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R&D Blueprint
The R&D Blueprint is a global strategy and preparedness plan that allows the rapid activation of research and development activities during epidemics. Its aim is to fast-track the availability of effective tests, vaccines and medicines that can be used to save lives and avert large scale crises. With WHO as convener, the broad global coalition of experts who have contributed to the Blueprint come from medical, scientific and regulatory backgrounds. WHO Member States welcomed the development of the Blueprint at the World Health Assembly in May 2016.

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About page preview

The R&D Blueprint is a global strategy and preparedness plan that allows the rapid activation of research and development activities during epidemics. Its aim is to fast-track the availability of effective tests, vaccines and medicines that can be used to save lives and avert large scale crises. With WHO as convener, the broad global coalition of experts who have contributed to the Blueprint come from medical, scientific and regulatory backgrounds. WHO Member States welcomed the development of the Blueprint at the World Health Assembly in May 2016.

How it began

The West Africa Ebola epidemic saw the mobilization of numerous actors around the world to find medical technologies to address the disease and save lives. Some of those efforts brought results, such as the highly effective VSV-EBOV vaccine, while others showed large gaps in the way the global scientific and R&D community organizes itself during an epidemic. The Blueprint coalition considers those to be lessons gained and has developed a plan that leverages the successes and addresses the gaps /so that next time the world can be prepared.

How does the Blueprint work?

The R&D Blueprint uses a list of identified priority diseases. For each disease an R&D roadmap is created, followed by target product profiles. This is then used to guide the response to outbreaks in both urgent action and in developing  ways to improve the global response for future epidemics.

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Our Team

Mr. Martin Howell Friede

Coordinator of the Initiative for Vaccine research (IVR)

R&D Blueprint

Dr. Ana Maria Henao Restrepo

Medical Officer

R&D Blueprint

Dr. Vaseeharan Sathiyamoorthy


R&D Blueprint

Mrs. Claudia Nannei

Health Economist

R&D Blueprint

Dr. Marie-Pierre Preziosi

Medical Officer

R&D Blueprint

Ms. Emer Cooke


Regulation and Prequalification

Virginia Benassi

Technical Officer

R&D Blueprint

Pierre Gsell

Technical Officer

R&D Blueprint

Massinissa Si Mehand

Technical Officer

R&D Blueprint