Urgent Appeal for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 is a situation unlike anything we've faced before – and it threatens refugees.

Around the clock, UNHCR is delivering lifesaving supplies and support to refugees and displaced people in countries like Bangladesh and Syria.

But we can't tackle this pandemic alone.

Thank you for being the best of humanity by donating TODAY.



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supports the construction of a water and sanitation facility, including communal latrines and toilets, for one classroom in a school


could support the construction of one tube well to provide clean water to refugees


costs to provide a person of concern with primary healthcare services


(image © Ritzau Scanpix)

Around UNHCR

Pakistan. UNHCR steps up efforts to support the COVID-19 response

Five ways to support refugees during the coronavirus crisis

Read about several things you can do from lockdown, from teaching kids what it's like to have to flee your home, to buying from refugee entrepreneurs.

Brazil. Venezuelan refugees receive Covid-19 prevention guidelines

Access to health services is key to halting COVID-19 and saving refugee lives

Read a Q&A with UNHCR's leading public health expert, setting out why prevention and inclusion must be at the heart of the response for displaced people.

News and StoriesNews
Colombia. At school with Colombian and Venezuelan refugee students

Key takeaways from the Global Refugee Forum

Read about the pledges and commitments from the historic meeting that will boost opportunities for refugees and their hosts going forward.

News and StoriesStories

A New Deal for Refugees

The Global Compact on Refugees aims to improve the international response to new and existing refugee situations.

Bangladesh. Aid continues to arrive for Rohingya families

UNHCR launches sustainable energy strategy, strengthens climate action

Action plan promotes the transition to clean, renewable energy at refugee camps and hosting sites worldwide.

News and StoriesNews Releases