Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) training: Simulation exercise

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To support countries’ preparedness effort on the COVID-19  outbreak, WHO`s Department of Health Security and Preparedness has developed various COVID-19  tabletop exercise (SimEx) packages. This includes:

  1. A Generic Covid19 SimEx to examine and strengthen existing plans, procedures and capabilities to manage an imported case of 2019-nCov and targets the health authorities at the national level.
  2. A Health facility & IPC SimEx that is based on the Core Components of Infection Prevention and Control Programmes at the National and Acute Care Facility Level.
  3. A Point of Entry (POE) SimEx to examine and strengthen existing plans, procedures and capabilities at the main airport (POE).
  4. An Urban Covid19 SimEx to discuss critical issues in urban environments as the pandemic develops into an established infectious disease that may have periods of increased spread and number of persons affected.

The simulation package consists of different elements including:

  • PowerPoint presentations to support the facilitation of the exercise and its subsequent debriefing
  • A participants’ guide and a facilitators’ guide to explain what is expected from the different people involved in the preparation and running of the exercise.  
  • A set of reference documents and technical guidance on 2019-nCov

The package highlights clearly where some minor adaptions are needed to make the simulation country-specific and more relevant to the participants. 

If you need technical support to implement this exercise, please contact your WHO country office or regional office focal point.

Simulation package

Name of the documentEnglishFrenchRussian
Generic COVID-19 PowerPointDownloadDownloadDownload
Health Facility & IPC PowerPointDownload  
Point of Entry (POE) PowerPointDownload  
Urban Covid-19 PowerPointDownload  
Participant's guideDownloadDownload 
Facilitator's guideDownloadDownload 
Participant's feedback formDownloadDownload