Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Points of entry and mass gatherings

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Questions and answers on mass gatherings and COVID-19

Technical guidance

Practical considerations and recommendations for Religious Leaders and Faith-based Communities in the context of COVID-19

This document and risk assessment tool  provides practical guidance and recommendations to support the special role of religious leaders, faith-based organizations, and faith communities in COVID-19 education, preparedness, and response.

- Access the publication (7 April 2020)

- Access the risk assessment tool

- Access the decision tree 

Safe Ramadan practices in the context of the COVID-19

This document provides public health guidance for social and religious practices and gatherings during Ramadan. It also offers advice to strengthen mental and physical well-being so as to live in full the spirit of Ramadan as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

- Access the publication (Uploaded 16 April 2020)

Joint Statement on medical certificates of seafarers, ship sanitation certificates and medical care of seafarers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic 22 April 2020

- Access the joint statement

Management of ill travellers at Points of Entry – international airports, seaports and ground crossings – in the context of COVID-19 outbreak

This document aims to provide advice on the detection and management of ill travellers suspected of COVID-19 infection, at international airports, ports and ground crossings. It includes the following measures; 1)Detection of ill travellers; 2) Interview of ill travellers for COVID-19; 3) Reporting of alerts of ill travellers with suspected COVID-19 infection and 4) Isolation, initial case management and referral of ill travellers with suspected COVID-19 infection.

 Access the publication

Online course for Management of ill travelers at point of entry

This interactive e-learning course is converted from the WHO Interim Guidance for Management of ill travellers at Points of Entry – international airports, seaports and ground crossings – in the context of COVID-19 outbreak. This course is intended for National IHR Focal Points, public health authorities and operators at points of entry, conveyance operators, and other stakeholders.

Access the publication

Key planning recommendations for Mass Gatherings in the context of the current COVID-19 outbreak (Interim guidance)

The purpose of this document is to outline key planning considerations for organizers of mass gatherings in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. It should be read in conjunction with WHO’s Public Health for Mass Gatherings: Key Considerations. which provides general advice on the public health aspects of mass gathering events. It is also adapted from WHO’s interim planning considerations previously released for mass gatherings in the context of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza, and International meetings attended by individuals from Ebola virus disease-affected countries.

It is WHO’s view that all countries with community transmission should seriously consider postponing or reducing mass gatherings that bring people together and have the potential to amplify disease and support the recommended best practice of physical distancing. Any decision will be supported through the use of WHO tools, in particular the Risk Assessment for Mass Gatherings during COVID-19 and this document.

If movement restrictions and further national measures have been established in the country, the WHO RA does not apply. However, when the process of re-opening/conducting mass gatherings is being considered post movement restrictions, it will be key to ensure any decisions are based on a risk assessment, such as the WHO Mass gatherings COVID-19 risk assessment and this document.

Access the publication (19 March 2020)

Mass gatherings COVID-19 risk assessment

This document provides a COVID-19 risk assessment and mitigation checklist for use by host countries and mass gathering organizers. It also includes an operational tool which offers guidance for organizers holding meetings during the COVID-19 outbreak and which should be accompanied by the WHO COVID-19 Generic Risk Assessment Excel file. It should be read in conjunction with WHO’s Key planning recommendations for Mass Gatherings in the context of the current COVID-19 outbreak (Interim guidance).

It is WHO’s view that all countries with community transmission should seriously consider postponing or reducing mass gatherings that bring people together and have the potential to amplify disease and support the recommended best practice of physical distancing. Any decision will be supported through the use of WHO tools, in particular the Risk Assessment for Mass Gatherings during COVID-19.

If movement restrictions and further national measures have been established in the country, the WHO RA does not apply. However, when the process of re-opening/conducting mass gatherings is being considered post movement restrictions, it will be key to ensure any decisions are based on a risk assessment, such as the WHO Mass gatherings COVID-19 risk assessment.

- Access the publication (19 March 2020)

- Access the tool

- Access the decision tree

- Access the publication for sports federations / sports event organizers (uploaded 15 April 2020)

- Access the tool for sports federations/sports event organizers (uploaded 15 April 2020)

Online course for public health preparedness for mass gathering events

This project aims to support host nations in delivering a safe and successful event, as part of WHO’s ongoing support to countries in strengthening the International Health Regulations capacities for prevention, detection and response to the public health events in the context of hosting mass gathering events.

To create a user account, future members need to click on “Register” from the homepage of the Health Security Learning Platform:

Access the course

Public health preparedness and response for aviation sector

Handbook for the Management of Public Health Events in Air Transport

This handbook was developed in collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organization. It is intended to help competent authorities at airports to implement a risk based approach to public health events in a consistent manner and assist in determining interventions that are commensurate to the risks, while avoiding unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.

Access the publication (1 March 2016)


Operational considerations for managing COVID-19 cases/ outbreak in aviation

This document offers guidance on operational considerations for managing COVID-19 cases/outbreak in the aviation setting. It should be used in conjunction with WHO’s Handbook for the Management of Public Health Events in Air Transport. 

The target audience is any authority involved in public health response to a public health event in aviation, including International Health Regulations (IHR) National Focal Points (NFP), health authorities at airports, local, provincial and national health surveillance and response systems, as well as civil aviation authorities, airport operators, aircraft operators, airports and airlines.

Access the publication (18 March 2020)

- Access the online course for managing COVID-19 cases / outbreak in aviation

Public health preparedness and response for maritime sector

WHO has published several technical guidance, developed in collaboration with the Maritime sectors, for routine inspection on board ships and for public health emergency response to the public health events on board ships and at ports.

Operational considerations for managing COVID-19 cases/outbreak on board ships

To assist WHO Member States, all State Parties to the International Health Regulations (IHR), in managing individual case or outbreaks on board ships in the context of COVID-19, by outlining operational considerations to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 on board ships, while avoiding unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.

The target audience of this documents is any authority involved in public health response to a COVID-19 public health event on board ships, including IHR National Focal Points (NFP), port health authorities, local, provincial and national health surveillance and response system, as well as port operators and ship operators.

- Access the document (25 March 2020)

Handbook for the management of public health events on board ships

To assist States Parties in contingency planning and implementation of health measures on board ships or in ports, WHO developed a generic guidance addressing all public health risks and related rules and regulations. 

According to IHR, competent authorities at ports are responsible for responding to events that pose a risk to public health. These events are identified through notifications by ships or other competent authorities, during a ship inspection or even through other informal routes such as media reports. Events may be caused by biological, chemical or radiological agents. Event management involves event identification, verification, risk assessment and response.

- Access the publication (2 May 2016)

Handbook for the inspection of ships and issuance of ship sanitation certificates

This handbook is intended to be used as reference material for port health officers, regulators, ship operators and other competent authorities in charge of implementing the IHR (2005) at ports and on ships. The handbook is based on the IHR (2005) provisions regarding ship inspection and issue of SSCs. They provide guidance for preparing and performing the inspection, completing the certificates and applying public health measures within the framework of the IHR (2005).

- Access the publication (15 June 2011)