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The role of open dialogue in financial services compliance 

As part of ongoing engagement with financial services regulators and customers, I had the opportunity to attend a Cloud Technology Summit sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The conference assembled leaders within the U.S. Federal Reserve System; technology providers; senior risk, compliance and CTOs from major banks; and other key industry participants to...Read more

Business continuity in financial services 

With much uncertainty about the spread of the COVID-19, financial services customers and their regulators are naturally concerned about the continuity of their business operations. This includes the use of Microsoft Cloud Services, such as Azure, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 to support important lines of their business. Regulators such as the United Kingdom Financial...Read more

The automotive industry in the time of COVID-19 

COVID-19 has impacted our lives in ways many of us could not have imagined. From how we interact with our friends and family to working from home and so much more. For me personally, juggling the complexity of remote work, the immense disruption, and ever-changing priorities and precautions have been a daily learning and growth...Read more

Agility, continuity, and risk management for financial services 

It would be an understatement to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives, both personally and professionally. As the situation rapidly changes, all of us in the business world are learning and adapting as quickly as possible to respond to the crisis at hand and keep our communities safe.  The current implications of COVID-19 on the financial services...Read more

Retail in the time of COVID-19 

COVID-19 has impacted our lives in ways many of us couldn’t have imagined. From how we interact with our friends and family to working from home and so much more. For me personally, juggling the joys of homeschooling my teenage boys with a packed work schedule has been a true personal test. Yet I know...Read more

Addressing the immediate priorities of telecommunications organizations 

As the world continues to respond to the outbreak of COVID-19, our thoughts are with the people affected and the medical professionals working around the clock to help those most in need.  At Microsoft, we’re working to do our part by ensuring the safety of our employees, striving to protect the health and well-being of the...Read more

Supporting the manufacturing community during this challenging time 

We are hearing from our manufacturing customers around the globe about how the outbreak of COVID-19 is creating new challenges as they work to handle drastic shifts in materials supply and customer demand, and manage factory closures, while contributing to the production of critical supplies to first-line responders across the globe.  While many manufacturers face challenging disruptions to supply...Read more

Supporting your healthcare organization and community during crises 

Before working for Microsoft I worked for the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK for nine years, and we had to deal with complex and significant situations regularly, but nothing with the scale and impact of the current pandemic crisis. At Microsoft, we know we’re several steps away from our healthcare customers on the front lines, but we feel the need to help those customers and partners in whatever way...Read more

The state of Communications Service Providers and the cloud 

A recent report from TM Forum looked at Communications Service Providers’ (CSP) strategies to move corporate IT, OSS/BSS, and network applications to the cloud. Notably, and despite lingering CSP hesitancy over cloud migration of (in particular) operations software, those surveyed and interviewed for this report were able to cite more reasons for deploying workloads in...Read more

Empowering government employees through digital skills 

As the global economy becomes increasingly technology-intensive, the nature of the workforce is changing dramatically. Basic digital literacy is a prerequisite for employment and more specialized technical skills are in high demand. Organizations and individuals alike understand that workers must become lifelong learners who continuously acquire new skills throughout their careers. These fundamental shifts clearly...Read more

Embrace your digital transformation today to improve patient outcomes for tomorrow 

The healthcare industry is undergoing an enormous transformation. This transformation is being driven by one core idea; expectations of patient care and wellness are changing. Technology is enabling healthcare organizations to reimagine how care is delivered and managed for the long term. From delivering highly personalized patient experiences and empowering care teams to coordinate care...Read more