Free information session on parenting after separation

Parenting after separation information sessions are provided free of charge.

They give parents an opportunity to deal with their break-up and prepare questions for the person who will help them settle the details of their separation, whether as part of the family mediation process or during a court hearing.


Each session is conducted by two experienced mediators, one working in the field of law and one in the psychological field. It focuses in particular on:

  • the consequences of the break-up on members of the family: psychological shock caused by separation, needs and reactions of children, communications with the other parent, etc.  (90 minutes);
  • the family mediation process and legal information (30 minutes).

The session ends with a question period. After the session, you receive:

  • all the relevant documentation;
  • an attestation that you have attended an information session, which will allow your case to be heard by the court if it is contested.

To attend a session, you must register with the Ministère de la Justice. Former spouses will not be registered for the same session, unless they request it. Each spouse can attend the session accompanied by a person of his or her choice. This person must also be registered in order to attend the session.

Several groups may be combined for a single session using videoconferencing equipment.

Compulsory attendance at a parenting and mediation information session

Since January 1, 2016, attendance at a parenting after separation information session has been a legal requirement if you and your spouse still disagree on any question concerning your separation at the time you are scheduled to be heard by a judge. 

The only way to comply with this requirement is to attend a session.


A person who claims to be a victim of domestic violence may be exempted. The person may then seek help from a recognized assistance organization.

List of recognized assistance organizations (In French):

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