
Financial assistance program to promote access to justice

This financial assistance program targets projects and activities that enhance the public’s knowledge and understanding of Québec law and Québec’s legal system and help the public to better navigate the system.

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Program for the granting of financial assistance to support research, information, awareness and training in connection with assistance for victims of crime

The program provides financial assistance to support the completion and dissemination of

  • research on any matter relating to assistance for the victims of crime;
  • information, awareness-raising and training programs for victims of crime.

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Financial assistance program to fight against homophobia and transphobia

As part of the program to fight against homophobia and transphobia, the Ministère de la Justice provides financial support for projects designed to

  • prevent or combat prejudice and discrimination on the basis of a person’s
    • sexual orientation,
    • gender identity,
    • gender expression; 
  • promote full recognition for the members of sexual minorities in Québec.

The program results from the Government action plan against homophobia 2017-2022.

Voluntary reimbursement program

On March 24, 2015, the National Assembly unanimously adopted the Act to ensure mainly the recovery of amounts improperly paid as a result of fraud or fraudulent tactics in connection with public contracts

The Act introduces exceptional measures to ensure that amounts improperly paid by public agencies as a result of fraud or fraudulent tactics in connection with the awarding, allocation or management of public contracts can be recovered. 

Québec court-supervised drug treatment program

The Québec court-supervised drug treatment program will offer a way for the court system to reduce the level of crime associated with drug addiction using penal measures that support treatment for addicts as a way to protect society.

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Alternative Measures Program for adults in Aboriginal communities

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Compensation for Wrongfully Convicted and Imprisoned Persons

A person may sometimes be wrongfully convicted of a crime, although this is not a frequent occurrence. The question is important for all Canadian jurisdictions.

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