Fight against Homophobia and Transphobia Program

As part of the Fight against Homophobia and Transphobia Program, the Ministère de la Justice provides financial support for projects designed to:

  • prevent or combat prejudice and discrimination on the basis of a person’s:

    • sexual orientation;
    • gender identity;
    • gender expression;

  • promote full recognition for the members of sexual minorities in Québec.

The program issues public calls for projects, and follows from the 2017-2022 Government Action Plan against Homophobia and Transphobia.

Client base and conditions

All organizations seeking financial assistance for an eligible project.

To apply for financial assistance under the program, the applicant organization must:

  • be a legally-constituted non-profit organization;
  • have a valid Québec enterprise number;
  • have its head office in Québec;
  • have been in operation for at least 12 months;
  • be firmly established in the community;
  • be free to choose:

    • its mission;
    • its approach;
    • its methods;
    • its aims;

  • have objectives that are compatible with those of the program;
  • be directed by a board of directors that is:

    • democratically elected;
    • formed of a majority of members domiciled in Québec.

In addition, it must not owe money to the Ministère, except if it has signed and is complying with a reimbursement agreement.

Eligible activities or projects

To be eligible, a project must:

  • be implemented over a period of 12 months or less;
  • make a significant contribution to the achievement of one of the program’s objectives.


To apply for financial assistance, the applicant must:

Bureau de lutte contre l'homophobie
410, rue de Bellechasse Est, bureau 2-047
Montréal (Québec) H2S 1X3

Information session:

An information session will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 by the Bureau de lutte contre l’homophobie to help organizations prepare their file.
To register:

Jonathan Vidal
514 490-2383, extension 53759

Required documents

The following documents must be submitted with the form:

  • the organization’s annual report;
  • its most recent financial statements;
  • a detailed list of the members of its board of directors;
  • a list of all salaried staff members;
  • the minutes from the organization’s last annual general meeting;
  • its letters patent;
  • its statutes and by-laws, as currently in force;
  • a presentation of the organization, describing:

    • its history;
    • its general objectives;
    • the nature of its current activities;
    • the characteristics of its current client base;
    • the area it covers.

Other documents may be required, depending on the organization’s situation.

The organization must also provide the following information:

  • a brief description of its target client base;
  • the number of its members;
  • the number of members present at the last annual general meeting;
  • the number of meetings held by the board of directors during the last fiscal year.


The call for projects ended on October 15, 2018 .

Amount of assistance awarded

Financial assistance may be awarded in amounts up to $50,000.

For more information

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