Program for the granting of financial assistance to support research, information, awareness and training in connection with assistance for victims of crime

The program provides financial assistance to support the implementation and dissemination of:

  • research on any matter relating to assistance for the victims of crime;
  • information, awareness and training programs for victims of crime.

Call for projects for the 2018-2019 edition of the program ended on October 15, 2018.

The program is open to:

  • legally-constituted non-profit organizations and organizations recognized under a Québec law;
  • natural persons.

The following types of project are eligible:

  • research projects on any matter relating to assistance for victims of crime;
  • information, awareness and training programs for victims of crime;
  • Projects focusing on:

    • domestic violence,
    • sexual violence.

The following types of projects are not eligible:

  • projects providing support for the general mission of a body or group of bodies, in other words their basic operations. 

The following expenditure is eligible:

  • the wages of one or more persons in connection with the management or completion of the project;
  • advertising costs and the design and printing of informational or promotional materials;
  • travel and training costs, if applicable; travel costs must be based on reasonable reimbursement criteria (choice of the most economical means of travel and accommodation).

Only expenditure directly linked to the completion of the project is eligible.

The following expenditure is not eligible:

  • rent, power, maintenance and repair, insurance premiums or bank charges connected to the body’s normal activities;
  • the remuneration of employees for regular activities;
  • the purchase of equipment used in the organization's regular activities;
  • expenditure incurred before the subsidized project begins;
  • the repayment of a debt, accumulated deficit or loan;
  • expenditure reimbursed by another program.

A committee will analyze applications on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. the quality of the project is assessed based on the nature of the activity or project presented, the quality of the means proposed to meet the objectives, and the experience and skills of the personnel involved (40 points);
  2. the relevance of the project is assessed based on the needs existing in the community or territory concerned, and the project's match with the program objectives (20 points);
  3. innovation is assessed based on the ability of the person or body to offer one or more realistic and new solutions to a problem or to apply innovative means to meet the target objectives (10 points);
  4. the scope of the project is assessed based on its positive impacts on the target issue, its contribution to the community or territory concerned, its short and medium term benefits, its viability and its potential for transfer to other communities (10 points);
  5. community support is assessed based on the support received by partners in the community concerned and by the scientific community (if applicable), in particular in the form of a financial, human or logistical contribution or a letter of support (10 points);
  6. the presence of a financing package is assessed based on the participation of the body and other public and private partners in the financing for the project, the presentation of a detailed and balanced budget, and compliance with the rules of eligible expenditure (10 points).

A body must sign a financial assistance agreement with the Minister of Justice when financial assistance is granted.

The agreement specifies:

  • the amount of the assistance;
  • the terms and conditions of payment;
  • the requirements in terms of visibility and accountability. 

An interim report will be required for all projects, setting out:

  • the progress made;
  • the results obtained, and the expected outcomes;
  • the obstacles encountered or expected;
  • the goals met or targeted;
  • the expenditure incurred or planned.

A final report will be required within 3 months after the project ends, setting out:

  • the activities completed;
  • the results obtained;
  • the expenditure actually incurred.

The organization will also be required to provide the annual financial statement or statements that show, separately, the assistance paid by the Ministère (under "Income") and the expenditure incurred for the project (under "Expenditure").

You must provide all the documents listed in this section to allow the processing of your application for financial assistance. 

The documents must be correctly completed and provide the following information:

  • the full contact information for the organization;
  • a short description of its mission and vision, its links with the community, and the area where the project or activity will be implemented;
  • a detailed description of the project, including

    • the target clientele,
    • the objectives targeted,
    • an implementation plan, including a timetable describing activities and deadlines;

  • a budgetary forecast for the project, including an estimate of expenditure and income;
  • a list of the applications for financial assistance filed with other funding providers, the amounts requested and, if applicable, the amounts received.

Supplementary documents

The following documents must be submitted with the form and schedules:

  • a copy of the organization's constituting act and general by-laws;
  • a certified true copy of the resolution by the governing body authorizing the applicant to file the application;
  • a copy of the financial report from the last fiscal year, adopted at the last annual general meeting, with the name of the auditor;
  • a copy of the last annual report, adopted at the last annual general meeting;
  • a copy of letters in support of the project;
  • any other relevant document in support of the application;
  • any other information indicated in the Act respecting assistance for victims of crime or the Financial Assistance Regulation. 

Reminder: the application form for financial assistance must be signed and submitted on paper, along with all required documents, to the following address:

Ministère de la Justice
Bureau d'aide aux victimes d'actes criminels
Édifice Louis-Philippe-Pigeon
1200, route de l’Église, 3étage
Québec (Québec) G1V 4M1

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