Voluntary reimbursement program

Voluntary Reimbursement Program

The Québec government set up the Voluntary Reimbursement Program under the Act to ensure mainly the recovery of amounts improperly paid as a result of fraud or fraudulent tactics in connection with public contracts. It came into effect on November 2, 2015 and ended on December 15, 2017.

The Program gave natural persons and enterprises an opportunity to reimburse amounts improperly paid by public bodies in the course of the tendering, awarding or management of a public contract. They had until November 1, 2016 to notify their intention to participate in the Program. 

After reimbursing the amount owed, participants could obtain a discharge that protected them from civil proceedings for fraud or fraudulent tactics allegedly committed in connection with a public contract. Under the Program, the Minister of Justice acted on behalf of public bodies and could issue a valid discharge. The Program did not relieve participants of their responsibility for criminal or penal offences. The government appointed François Rolland, former Chief Justice of the Superior Court, to administer the Program.

Report on the implementation of the Voluntary Reimbursement Program

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Québec tabled the Report on the implementation of the Voluntary Reimbursement Program (in French) in the National Assembly on June 13, 2018.

The report contains, in particular, the names of the enterprises and natural persons who participated in the Program, the names of the public bodies concerned, and the total amounts reimbursed.

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