Social media

The Ministère de la Justice on social media 

The Ministère de la Justice (MJQ) is present on social media, which it uses as a complement to its traditional communication tools. Through its social media presence, the MJQ creates new forums for discussion that promote synergy with client groups, partners and the media. The MJQ's Web 2.0 tools are used to increase its visibility, and it selects the social media that provide the best match for its communication goals. 

The MJQ has

You can visit our pages to find out more about a range of subjects connected with justice or the MJQ. Through our various accounts, you can also post your own comments or concerns about Québec's justice system. 

All your messages will be read carefully, and we will answer if appropriate. We aim to respond within 24 hours during normal business hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. However, in some cases we need more time, in particular if we have to consult a specialist to provide accurate information.

In addition, if any of the information we post is incorrect or incomplete, the MJQ undertakes to correct it or remove it as quickly as possible and to inform users accordingly.

We cannot guarantee the quality of the language used by contributors, and we are not responsible for the content posted. In addition, the fact that we subscribe to the pages of another organization does not mean that we support its statements or activities.


Netiquette is the set of rules that defines good conduct on social media. To ensure that discussions remain healthy and constructive, we ask you to comply with Netiquette when involved in a social media discussion on an MJQ social media page.

We want to promote harmonious, courteous discussions on our social media pages. You are encouraged to express your opinions freely, but also to comply with Netiquette. 

Protection of personal information and intellectual property

Discussions on MJQ social media pages are public. When discussing a real-life experience in your comments, you should be careful not to reveal your own personal information or that of any other person. Since we are required to protect the confidentiality of all the information sent to us, and since our pages are public, they cannot contain any personal information.

In addition, for the same reason, before posting a photograph or video you must obtain the consent of all the people who appear in it. We will remove any photograph or video we consider inappropriate.

It is important to note that by posting on our pages you give us the right to use or broadcast your comments.


The comments made on our pages are binding on their authors only, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the MJQ. 

Before posting a comment, please ensure that it is relevant and related to the main topic. Comments that have no connection with the MJQ's mission will be removed without notice. You should also avoid posting duplicate messages, which will be removed because they hinder communication. In addition, we will not tolerate debates that turn into private discussions. Advertising, and any other form of publicity, is prohibited.

The use of hyperlinks to other websites is authorized, provided the site content is relevant to the topics discussed. Please note that the MJQ is not responsible for the content of other websites.

In a social media discussion we cannot deal with a specific case or file, whether an application, a complaint or follow-up on one of our services or programs.

The information posted on our social media pages has no legal value and does not take the place of an official communication, or a law or regulation, which continue to take precedence.


We will not tolerate language that is slanderous, sexually or pornographically explicit, offensive, hateful, or obscene, discriminatory comments based on race, sex, religion, nationality, language or sexual orientation, or comments that incite hatred or violence. The same applies to comments that are considered to be insulting or provocative, and comments written in a vulgar, hateful or malicious style. 

Messages posted in all-caps, in addition to being hard to read, may be interpreted as being aggressive and may be removed. A comment in lower-case letters will be just as valid and easier to read. You should also avoid the over-use of bold type and exclamation marks. 


To ensure constructive and respectful dialogue, we will moderate comments and content created or shared on our social media pages. We reserve the right to remove a comment or block a user at any time and without prior warning if Netiquette is contravened.

To ensure the ongoing improvement and adaptation of our approach and reflect the evolution of social media use, we reserve the right to amend these Netiquette rules at any time without further notice. 

Complaints and comments

To file a complaint or comment about the quality of our services, see the page Contact us.

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