Rights and responsibilities

Your rights

In Québec, the Act respecting assistance for victims of crime guarantees the rights of victims and their immediate family following a crime committed in Québec. If you are the victim of a criminal offence, you have:

  • the right to be treated with courtesy, fairness and understanding, and with respect for your dignity and privacy;
  • the right to be informed as fully as possible of your rights and the remedies available to you, and of your role in the criminal justice process and participation in criminal proceedings;
  • the right to be informed, on request, of the progress and final disposition of the case;
  • the right to be informed, on request, of the progress and outcome of the police investigation, to such extent as is possible and if not inconsistent with the public interest;
  • the right to be informed of the availability of health services and social services or other appropriate assistance or prevention services through which you may obtain such medical, psychological and social care or help as you may require;
  • depending on the resources available, the right to assistance services and protection against intimidation and retaliation;
  • the right to present and have your concerns and viewpoints examined at the appropriate stages of legal proceedings, if your personal interest is affected;
  • to the extent provided for by law, the right to receive reasonable compensation for expenses incurred to testify;
  • to the extent provided for by law, the right to receive prompt and fair restitution or compensation for damages suffered;
  • to the extent provided for by law, the right to have any seized property returned as soon as possible when it is no longer required for legal purposes.

All victims of crime also have the right to make a written victim impact statement that will be presented in court during sentencing.

Under article 1974.1 of the Civil Code of Québec, a lessee may resiliate a current lease if, because of the violent behaviour of a spouse or former spouse or because of a sexual aggression, even by a third party, the safety of the lessee or of a child living with the lessee is threatened.

Your responsibilities

Victims must cooperate as fully as possible with the relevant law enforcement authorities.

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