Daily indemnity

Whether you testify or not, you can claim an indemnity for transportation, parking, meals and accommodation for every day you attend court.


You can claim the cost of public transportation for your trip to the courthouse. 

If you travel by car, you can claim $0.43 per kilometre, plus the cost of parking.

Receipts may be required.


You can claim meal costs up to:

  • $10.40 for breakfast;
  • $14.30 for lunch;
  • $21.55 for dinner.

These amounts include tax and tips.

Receipts will be required.


You can request an allowance for accommodation if you decide to sleep at a hotel because of the distance between your home and the courthouse, and the fact that you need to appear on several consecutive days. The allowance ranges from $79 to $138 per night in a hotel.

These maximum amounts do not inlcude Goods and Services Tax (GST), Québec Sales Tax (QST) or the accommodation tax which, when charged, will also be reimbursed.

You will be required to present receipts.

However, the amount of your allowance will always be calculated as if you had chosen the least costly option.

Indemnity for loss of time

You are generally entitled to an indemnity for the time spent at the courthouse, at the rate of:

  • 90 per day;
  • $45 for 5 hours presence or less.
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