Where to file an application

The court having jurisdiction to hear small claims applications is the Small Claims Division of the Court of Québec.

Filing your application

Your application to the Small Claims Division can be filed at a court located near:

  • your main residence;
  • another of your residences;
  • your business establishment.

The clerk will forward your application to the office of the court having jurisdiction that you designate in the application.

Territorial jurisdiction of the court

Depending on your situation, your application to the Small Claims Division must be presented in one of the following judicial districts:

  • the defendant's domicile or last known place of residence; OR
  • the place where the action giving rise to the claim occurred; OR
  • the place where the contract was formed; OR
  • if the defendant is not domiciled in Québec, the defendant's residence or establishment in Québec or the place where the defendant has property; OR
  • if allowed by law, the defendant's elected domicile or the place designated by contract, except a contract of adhesion; OR
  • if the application concerns immovable property, the place where the property is situated; OR
  • if the application concerns an employment contract or consumer contract, the domicile of the employee or consumer, whether that person is the plaintiff or the defendant; OR
  • if the application concerns insurance, the domicile of the insured person or beneficiary under the contract, whether that person is the plaintiff or the defendant or, in the case of property insurance, the place where the loss occurred.

Defendant domiciled outside Québec

If the defendant has no domicile in Québec, the application may be presented to the court of the judicial district in which the defendant has a residence or establishment.

For more information



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