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Wednesday - June 10, 2020
Online medical appointments have become commonplace during the pandemic, and they're likely to continue into the future, even as in-person medical visits resume. The convenience, accessibility and cost-effectiveness of telemedicine will make it a vital part of comprehensive medical care in the digital age. "Both patients and providers can benefit from the convenience and accessibility of telehealth," said Mia Finkelston, MD, medical director at Amwell. "Patients can receive care from the comfort of their home." [More...]

Friday - June 12, 2020
There has been a lot of debate in the public sphere around the degree and kind of legal regulation a society should apply to online speech. While the dialogue has become more intense and urgent in the last few years, the effort to impose limits on Internet speech has been contentious from the start. At the present juncture, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is undergoing reconsideration. It's easy to take knee-jerk stances on Internet speech regulation, but they generally do not achieve satisfactory or sustainable end results. [More...]

Wednesday - April 22, 2020
Bodhi Linux, previously called "Bodhi OS," is a novel desktop computing platform for office or home. It offers a radically different desktop environment with a pleasant user experience well worth trying. Bodhi is a lightweight, Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the Moksha desktop. The new version, released as 5.1.0 on March 25, is the first under Robert "ylee" Wiley, the project's new lead developer. This latest release features several breaks with the U.S.-based Bodhi tradition developed in its nearly 10-year history. [More...]

Thursday - June 11, 2020
As the dust settled on what most have deemed the "new normal" of working from home, many industries -- including customer service -- rapidly shifted operations to be remote work-friendly. At the same time, call volumes increased exponentially: During the last few months, airlines saw a 199 percent increase in customer inquiries, while grocers saw a 39 percent increase. While the continuity of access to customer service is vital in normal circumstances, the sharp increase in customer demands during the pandemic has made it even more critical. [More...]


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How do you feel about the buildout of 5G mobile networks?
Very positive -- It will spark amazing innovations in many fields.
Somewhat positive -- I'm looking forward to higher speeds.
Neutral -- It will be nice but it isn't necessary.
Somewhat negative -- It will require expensive new phones and plans.
Very negative -- 5G technology might be spreading the coronavirus.