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Reprint Information
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Article Reprints

Professionally produced article reprints from ECT News Network are a terrific way to increase awareness about your product, company or organization. Popular uses include:

  • Press Kits
  • Sales and Marketing Assets
  • Direct Mail and Newsletters
  • Conference and Tradeshow Handouts
Copyright Notice

All content on ECT News Network is copyright protected material.

Reproduction in whole or in part, in any form or medium, without the express written permission of ECT News Network, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

Your use of any ECT News Network Web site indicates your acceptance of these terms. For additional information, please see our Terms of Service page.

Linking Information

For linking purposes, you may reproduce the headline of any ECT News Network article on your Web site free of charge.

For additional information, please visit our Linking Policy page.


ECT News will deliver a digital version of your article reprint, in a high resolution PDF file. Depending on your needs, security options can be set for access to your ePrint file. Some common file encryption options include: control of the time duration of your ePrint, as well as management of the number of times your ePrint can be viewed and printed by users.

Layout, design, optional company logo, delivery and reproduction rights are included in the price of your ePrint. Multiple article discounts are available. Total production and delivery time for ePrint orders is typically 3 to 5 business days. Please contact us if you have any questions or are ready to place an order.


ECT News will deliver your article reprint, printed on glossy 70# enamel paper. Your order will include layout and design, a proof for your approval, and print production.

Various shipping methods are available; if you are outside the continental U.S. and need reprints, please contact us for shipping rates and delivery time. Total production and delivery time for reprint orders is typically 3 to 4 weeks; international orders will vary by location and method.

Customize Your Order!

We also offer custom publishing options that will enhance and add value to your article reprint. They include:

  • Company logos and advertisement items may be added to the reprint
  • Highlighting is available for catch lines or advertisement text
  • Group articles for printing in an anthology
  • Add a title page or cover wrap to your article
  • Have your article cover UV coated for added durability
  • Have your article reproduced on a plaque or poster

Content Licensing

If you would like to reproduce ECT News Network content on an Internet or Intranet Web site, or in an electronic newsletter, and you do not require layout, design, printing or encryption services, please visit our Permissions page for self-service instructions.

How To Place Your Order

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff welcomes your contact and is ready to assist you with your reprint needs. For immediate service, click here to contact us by e-mail.

Or, call us ...
+1 818.461.9700 ext 800

Mailing Address

ECT News Network, Inc.
PO Box 18500
Encino, CA 91416-8500

Advertising Information

To learn about the many sponsorship opportunities and lead generation services available from ECT News Network, please visit our advertising section.