Harvest Kitchens

The Harvest Kitchens program trains adults and youth with barriers to employment in food preparation.

Every day, Second Harvest drivers deliver a portion of our donated fresh and frozen food to our Harvest Kitchens partners, including:

Centre for Opportunities Respect and Empowerment (CORE)

East Scarborough Boys and Girls Club

Frontlines Toronto

Hospitality Workers Training Centre

YMCA – Charles Street

Working under the supervision of food service professionals, trainees learn culinary skills while turning this food into nourishing prepared meals that we then deliver to our agency partners lacking adequate kitchen facilities and resources to prepare foods for families and individuals in high-need communities. The training students receive through the program provides them with valuable job skills needed to help them achieve a self-sufficient future.

We’re grateful to supporters like Scotiabank for making our Harvest Kitchens program possible.