Grow your audience - reach more users

Google can help you reach out to the world by distributing your content on Google Web Search, Maps, Product Search, iGoogle, and more. Start with these:


Increase your visibility by submitting and optimizing your website for Google search, and distributing your content across Google and the web at large.
Add Your URL   Webmaster Tools   Gadgets


Drive traffic by sharing information about your business - whether it's customers through your front door or users to your website.
Local Business Center   Local Enhanced Content   Mapplet


Grow your audience by promoting and distributing your media to millions of Google users around the world.
YouTube   Video Sitemaps   Book Search Partner Program   News Search

Items for Sale

List products for sale, share product and merchant reviews and promote your real-estate listings.
Product Search   Product Reviews   Real Estate

Here's how to get started

If you're new to sharing your content with Google, here's how we recommend you get started:

  1. Submit a URL for inclusion in Google's index.
  2. Submit a Sitemap through Webmaster Tools.
  3. List your business in Local Business Center.

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See how it works

Reach local customers

Millions of individuals use Google to search for local businesses and related information such as hours of operation, sales, special events, and driving directions. Use Google to ensure your location information is up-to-date, your web content is included in our search index, and details about your business are easily discoverable by your potential customers.

Content Types
Business Info
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Reach more online customers

Hundreds of millions of consumers use Google every day to research products, find merchants, and look for a great deal. Distribute your product listings through Google and build your brand so that customers can buy from you early and often.

Content Types
Product Listings
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Connect with information seekers

Google helps media companies of all types distribute more content to more people in more ways. Help users find your news, archives, scholarly information or rich media.

Content Types
Product Listings
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Reach travelers

Travelers are increasingly turning to the web to discover new locations, to find a travel agent and to locate important local businesses. Share everything from travel advice to attraction information to 3D models, and establish yourself as an expert, entice people to travel, and grow your business.

Content Types
3D Data
Business Info
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Increase your visibility on the Web

Professional services firms rely on building and sustaining relationships with their clients to succeed. Google can be instrumental in helping your firm get discovered, distributing your work and publicizing your activities. This increased exposure can lead to new business and enhance existing relationships.

Content Types
Business Info
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Serve citizens better

Whether you work for a government agency or a non-profit organization, sharing content through Google helps you serve citizens and communities more efficiently and effectively. Making information discoverable on Google means it is accessible to more of its intended users, which in turn increases trust and satisfaction with government and other institutions.

Content Types
3D Data
Business Info
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Google speaks your language

Technology companies – from computer hardware and software firms to electronics manufacturers to Internet destination sites – face an increasingly competitive marketplace. When people look for your company’s products and services, make sure they find you. Share your product listings and reviews, publicize your blog, get your website indexed — everything you need to increase your exposure online to reach as many customers as possible.

Content Types
Business Info
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Educate users

Whether you work for a university, library, museum, research center or other educational institution, you can attract students, engage scholars and build awareness of your institution by sharing your information through Google. Google makes your educational content—from course syllabi and study tips to primary research and campus locations—more discoverable and more useful to the world.

Content Types
Business Info
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Reach more potential customers

Whether you’re an international auto parts supplier or a mom-and-pop tool-and-die company, sharing information with Google can help other businesses find you when they need what you’ve got. Google helps you build your reputation by letting the world discover your product specs, consumer data, plant locations and shipping information.

Content Types
3D Data
Business Info
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Serve patients better

Hospitals, medical professionals and health publications use Google to build their reputation and serve patients better. Get your offices listed, distribute your medical publications, or ensure your patient-focused website is accessible to Google, and you’ll help people find you, increase their health knowledge and contribute to a healthier populace overall.

Content Types
Business Info
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Inform your customers

Whether you transport school kids, senior citizens, packages, or freight, sharing your transportation information with Google can help you better serve your clients. When you make schedules, routes, shipping reports and research data easy to find, new users can discover your services and jump on board faster.

Content Types
Business Info
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