


March 3, 2014

Household Spending and Debt

Highlights the value of ‘prudent’ borrowing in enhancing welfare, but also the risks of over-indebtedness for households, the economy and financial stability. Discusses trends in household debt, various debt metrics and why monetary policy is concerned with how households use borrowed funds.
Content Type(s): Explainers Topic(s): Financial stability
May 31, 2013


Defines this important economic concept, describes different measures of productivity, explains how productivity affects living standards, and summarizes the reasons behind Canada’s disappointing productivity record.
Content Type(s): Explainers Topic(s): Productivity
September 28, 2012

Bank Rate

Explains what the Bank Rate is and its relationship to the target for the overnight rate.
Content Type(s): Explainers Topic(s): Monetary policy
May 29, 2012

Output Gap

Defines this key economic indicator and explains its importance for monetary policy.
Content Type(s): Explainers Topic(s): Productivity