Banking and Financial Statistics

On this page you can search the statistical data tables. For historical publications, see the Historical Banking Financial Statistics and Weekly Financial Statistics.

Due to the exceptional circumstances related to the current COVID-19 pandemic, there may be a delay in the posting of certain data submissions to the website. During this period, the Bank of Canada will be committed to posting data submissions as soon as practicable. We will return to our regular release schedule once conditions permit.



34 result(s)

Bank of Canada note liabilities (formerly K1)

Bank of Canada note liabilities include notes issued by chartered banks, the Dominion of Canada, provinces and defunct banks as at year-end. These are note issues that are in the process of being retired, and liability for them has been taken over by the Bank of Canada from the original issuers.

Historical selected credit measures (formerly E2)

Selected monthly measures of credit extended to households and businesses by financial institutions or through capital markets, with breakdowns by type of financial institution (e.g., chartered banks, non-banks) as well as credit instrument (e.g., consumer credit, mortgage and non-mortgage loans, debt securities and equity). Note: The Bank of Canada is no longer updating this table.

Historical money market trading by type of security (formerly F11)

Money market trades of domestically-issued securities and global issues in Canadian dollars by the primary distributors of Government of Canada marketable debt at par as at weekly Wednesday. Government of Canada treasury bills allotted to primary distributors at new issue auctions are not included in money market trading. Note: The Bank of Canada no longer publishes Table F11. The data was last updated at the end of 2017 and a new version of these data is now published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.

Historical bond market trading by type of security (formerly F12)

Bond market trades of domestically-issued securities and global issues in Canadian dollars by the primary distributors of Government of Canada marketable debt at par as at weekly Wednesday. Allotments of all new bond issues (auctions and syndicate offerings) are not included in bond market trading. Strip bonds and repo trades are excluded. Note: The Bank of Canada no longer publishes Table F12. The data was last updated at the end of 2017 and a new version of these data is now published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.

Historical Government of Canada treasury bill and bond trading with counterparties (formerly F13)

Distribution of Government of Canada treasury bills and bonds among domestic and non-resident holders by trades at par as at weekly Wednesday. Note: The Bank of Canada no longer publishes Table F13. The data was last updated at the end of 2017 and a new version of these data is now published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.

Historical strip bond trading and repos by type of security (formerly F14)

Strip bond and repo trades of domestically-issued securities and global issues in Canadian dollars by the primary distributors of Government of Canada marketable debt at par as at weekly Wednesday. Note: The Bank of Canada no longer publishes Table F14. The data was last updated at the end of 2017 and a new version of these data is now published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.