Visiting Scholar Program

The Visiting Scholar Program is part of the Bank of Canada’s multi-year research plan that helps keep the Bank at the forefront of central bank research.

Background & Purpose

The Visiting Scholar Program provides outstanding scholars with an opportunity to work at the Bank of Canada. The Program aims to:

  • enable our researchers to work closely with external experts to address innovative policy-related research questions connected to the Bank’s core functions.
  • strengthen the Bank’s research agenda and output with the contribution of distinguished scholars;
  • further deepen the Bank’s understanding of domestic and international economic and financial issues.


Participants are accomplished academic researchers with an established reputation in a field relevant to the Bank of Canada.

The program accommodates various visiting schedules, depending on the preferences of participants and the needs of the Bank. At any time, the Bank may host a number of scholars.

For further information related to the program, contact us at:

Visiting Scholars

Michael Ehrmann

Since 2019
Head of Division, Monetary Policy Research at the European Central Bank

Greg Kaplan

Since 2019
Professor Department of Economics and the College University of Chicago. Recent research: Macroeconomics, labor economics, inequality, consumption, risk-sharing, unemployment, monetary policy, fiscal policy, household formation, migration.

Evi Pappa

Since 2019
Professor of Macroeconomics European Economics at the European University Institute. Areas of interest are macroeconomics, fiscal policy, monetary economics and open economy macroeconomics.

Christine Parlour

Since 2019
Professor of Finance, Sylvan C. Coleman Chair in Finance and Accounting and Distinguished Teaching Fellow Economics at Haas School of Business UC Berkeley. Areas of expertise include Fintech, digital payments, credit markets, finance, microstructure and banking.

Julia Thomas

Since 2019
Professor of Economics Ohio State University. Area of expertise is quantitative macroeconomics or, more specifically heterogeneous agent general equilibrium business cycle models.

Gianluca Violante

Since 2019
Professor of Economics, Princeton University. Main research interests are in macroeconomics, labor economics, and public finance.

Dean Corbae

Since August 2017
Dean Corbae is a Professor of Finance, Investment, and Banking at the Wisconsin School of Business. His research interests are in macroeconomics and econometrics, with a current focus on consumer credit and bankruptcy, foreclosures, and banking industry dynamics.

Charles M. Kahn

Since August 2016
Charles Kahn is Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois. His research interests include economic theory, payments economics, and banking.

Itay Goldstein

Since February 2016
Itay Goldstein is a Professor of Finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests are in corporate finance, feedback effects between financial markets and the real economy, financial fragility and crises, financial institutions and financial markets.

Ricardo Lagos

Since January 2016
Ricardo Lagos is a Professor of Economics at New York University. His research interests are in macroeconomics, with an emphasis on monetary and labour economics.

Yuriy Gorodnichenko

Since October 2015
Yuriy Gorodnichenko is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests include monetary policy, pricing, aggregate implications of informational frictions and macroeconomics.

Victor Aguirregabiria

Since September 2015
Victor Aguirregabiria is Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto. His research interests include empirical industrial organization, econometrics and microeconomics. 

Andrew Levin

Since September 2015
Andrew Levin is Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College. His research interests include monetary economics, macroeconomics, inflation and inflation expectations and central bank communication.