CFEC Semi-annual Foreign Exchange Volume Survey
In October 2005, the daily/weekly report to the Bank of Canada on foreign exchange volumes was replaced by a semi-annual survey which is conducted during the months of April and October. This report is similar in nature to, but not directly comparable with, the BIS triennial survey. It includes only the largest participants in the Canadian foreign exchange market. Summary tables of the semi-annual data are posted below.

CFEC Semi-annual Survey Format
2020 April Release and Summary Tables

PDF, 254 kb

2019 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables

PDF, 98 kb

PDF, 95 kb

2018 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables

PDF, 95 kb

PDF, 15 kb

2017 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables

PDF, 17 kb

PDF, 16 kb
2016 October Release and Summary Tables (Revised)

April Release and Summary Tables

PDF, 18 kb

PDF, 12 kb
2015 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables

PDF, 18 kb

PDF, 23 kb
2014 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables
PDF, 110 kb

PDF, 69 kb
2013 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables
PDF, 75 kb

PDF, 51 kb
2012 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables
PDF, 51 kb

PDF, 40 kb
2011 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables
PDF, 48 kb

PDF, 48 kb
2010 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables
PDF, 117 kb

PDF, 48 kb
2009 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables
PDF, 51 kb

PDF, 47 kb
2008 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables
PDF, 2 mb

PDF, 44 kb
2007 October Release and Summary Tables

April Release and Summary Tables (Revised)
PDF, 40 kb

PDF, 43 kb
2006 October Release and Summary Tables (Revised)

April Press Release and Summary Tables
PDF, 71 kb

PDF, 35 kb
2005 October Summary Tables (Revised) PDF, 25 kb

Triennial Survey
Another source of information on foreign exchange volumes is the global triennial survey of foreign exchange and derivatives markets. A summary press release and more detailed tables for the Canadian results can be found below for the last two surveys that were conducted in April (for turnover data) and as of 30 June (for amounts outstanding) of 2004 and 2001. Similarly, the global results of the last two surveys, as prepared by the Bank for International Settlements, can also be found below.

Canadian Triennial Survey Format
2019 Press Release HTML
2016 Press Release Tables HTML
2013 Press Release Tables HTML
2010 Press Release Tables HTML
2007 Press Release Tables HTML
2004 Press Release Tables HTML, PDF
2001 Press Release Tables HTML, PDF

Global Triennial Survey Format
2019 Results HTML
2016 Results HTML
2013 Results HTML
2010 Results HTML
2007 Results HTML
2004 Results HTML
2001 Results HTML

Selected Monthly Canadian Dollar Foreign Exchange Market Volumes
The tables which follow are compiled from the daily and weekly reports to the Bank of Canada by financial institutions on their foreign exchange business against Canadian dollars. The information may be helpful in indicating trends and broad orders of magnitude. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, the informal nature of the reports, as well as some arbitrary adjustments made to translate weekly to monthly statistics, mean the data should not be interpreted precisely.

Date Format
FX Volumes, January 2000 - September 2005 (series discontinued) PDF, 128 kb

Bank of Canada Exchange Rates
The Bank publishes a wide variety of exchange rate data.

Rates Format
Daily rates, past 10 years HTML
Monthly average rates, past 10 years HTML
Copyright © 2003. Canadian Foreign Exchange Committee.