The Issue:

As a result of COVID-19, Canadian health charities are reporting a devastating reduction in revenues paired with an overwhelming increase in demand for services.

Illness and the need for social services and evidence-informed information doesn’t stop because of crisis. Canadian health charities are primarily concerned about the well-being of the people they serve, and their long-term ability to continue to support them.

The Solution:

There is a critical need for federal government support to help organizations remain active once the crisis passes. Canadian health charities are asking for up to $28 million per month in federal funding in order to offset their reduced revenues and enable them to continue to serve Canadians.

Did You Know?

  • Four out of five Canadians say health charities play an important or somewhat important role in Canada’s health care system
  • Seven in ten Canadians believe the decline of donations to health charities will have a negative or somewhat negative impact on the healthcare system
  • Nearly six in ten Canadians are concerned or somewhat concerned about the impact on themselves if health charities or the services they provide are not available because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Nearly two in three Canadians are concerned or somewhat concerned that vital health research will not be done if health charities do not have sufficient resources
  • Three in five Canadians support the federal government providing direct financial support that charities can continue to provide their services


How You Can Help

HCCC is asking Canadians to voice their support for Canadian health charities, sharing personal stories about how important these organizations are to the social, physical and mental wellness of individuals and communities across the country. Some ways you can help include:

  1.  If you are a patient or caregiver who has been affected by reduced health charity services, please contact us to share your story.
  2.  Write to your MP using the template found under resources on the right-hand side of the page and share your concerns, asking them to support financial relief for Canadian health charities.
  3. Follow us on social media and at the hashtag #healthcharitieshelp to share our stories to help create awareness about this important issue. You can also post your own stories using the hashtag #healthcharitieshelp