Official International Reserves

The weekly Reserves data will be posted on the Bank of Canada's Web site on the first business day following the 8th, 15th and 23rd day of each month. The monthly Reserves data will be posted on the Department of Finance Web site on the third business day following month-end.


DATE 08 November 2020 DATE 08 novembre 2020
Official International Reserves (millions of U.S. dollars) Réserves officielles de liquidités internationales (millions de dollars américains)
U.S. dollars 51,203 Dollars américains
Other Foreign Currencies 27,072 Autres devises étrangères
Gold 0 Or
Special Drawing Rights 8,822 Droits de tirage spéciaux
Reserve position in IMF 4,385 Position de réserve au FMI
Total 08 November 2020 91,482 Total 08 novembre 2020
30 October 2020 90,872 Total 30 octobre 2020
Change 610 Variation
Foreign exchange transactions not yet settled 0 Opérations sur devises non réglées