
High-quality, innovative research underpins everything we do. Find out about the Bank’s current research priorities, explore the broad range of staff research that our people have the intellectual freedom to pursue, and learn about the ways in which the Bank supports and collaborates with the external research community. You can also browse our research and subscribe to our monthly research newsletter and latest research feed.

Research Priorities

Guided by the Bank’s medium-term plan and shaped by the policy environment, the Bank dedicates significant effort and resources to a range of annual and multi-year research priorities.

The Bank’s Medium‐term Research Plan, 2019–21

Increasing the relevance and visibility of Bank research

Digital Currencies and Fintech

Understanding digital currencies and related financial technologies is an important part of our research agenda.

Toward 2021

Reviewing the Monetary Policy Framework.

Staff Research

Staff research is produced independently from the Bank’s Governing Council. This research may support or challenge prevailing policy orthodoxy or differ from official Bank views. Therefore, views expressed are solely those of the authors, and no responsibility for them should be attributed to the Bank.

Staff Analytical Notes

Staff Analytical Notes are short articles that focus on topical issues relevant to the current economic and financial context.

Author List

Listing of current and past authors of Bank research papers, articles and other publications, 1994 to present.

Staff Working Papers

Staff Working Papers provide a forum for staff to publish work-in-progress research intended for journal publication.

Our People

Profiles of the Bank’s economic research staff, featuring sections on their publications, education, and research interests.

Staff Discussion Papers

Staff Discussion Papers are completed staff research studies on a wide variety of subjects relevant to central bank policy.

Research Newsletter

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter summarizing internal and external publication contributions by Bank of Canada researchers.


Financial System Research Centre

The FSRC promotes financial system research in Canada to inform policy and improve the economic and financial well-being of Canadians.

Visiting Scholar Program

Information on the Bank of Canada’s collaborative research program for outstanding scholars

Conferences, Seminars and Workshops

Papers and proceedings from Bank of Canada conferences, seminars, and workshops

Partnerships in Innovation and Technology (PIVOT) Program

We’re looking for innovators to help us respond to challenges that may not have a commercial solution readily available.


Research Paper Awards

At the Bank of Canada, we’re pleased to offer awards for research papers by students and by staff.

Scholarship Awards

The Bank of Canada’s Scholarship and Work Placement program is designed to assist students with disabilities and Indigenous students in furthering their education and to encourage them to take an interest in the work performed by the Bank of Canada.

Fellowship Program

Learn more about a program to foster excellence in research in Canada and develop partnerships with experts outside the Bank of Canada in areas important to the Bank’s mandate.

The Governor's Challenge

The Governor’s Challenge simulates the monetary policy decision-making process by putting students in the role of advisor to the Bank’s Governing Council.

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Latest Research

Assessing Global Potential Output Growth: October 2020

This paper presents updated estimates of potential output growth for the global economy through 2022. Global potential output growth is expected to decline sharply in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and recover partially by the end of the projection horizon of the October 2020 Monetary Policy Report.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff discussion papers Topic(s): Potential output, Productivity JEL Code(s): E, E1, E10, E2, E20, O, O4

How Should Unemployment Insurance Vary over the Business Cycle?

Staff Working Paper 2020-47 Serdar Birinci, Kurt See
Should unemployment benefits be more generous during economic downturns? The optimal amount and duration of benefit payments ultimately depend on the demographic and wealth characteristics of benefit recipients.

Understanding Trend Inflation Through the Lens of the Goods and Services Sectors

Staff Working Paper 2020-45 Yunjong Eo, Luis Uzeda, Benjamin Wong
The goods and services sectors have experienced considerably different dynamics over the past three decades. Our goal in this paper is to understand how such contrasting behaviors at the sectoral level affect the aggregate level of trend inflation dynamics.

Corporate investment and monetary policy transmission in Canada

Staff Analytical Note 2020-26 Min Jae Kim, Jonathan Witmer
Unexpected changes in interest rates lead small firms to materially change their investment rate. Large firms, in contrast, show a smaller response. This suggests both that financial conditions are an important channel for transmitting monetary policy and that firm characteristics can help us better understand fluctuations in business investment.