.ca domains registered with CIRA certified Canada registry

Register your domain: 


  • .ca Domains

    .ca Domains

    Canadian based websites
    $14.95 Privacy & 6mth Hosting Included
  • .com Domains

    .com Domains

    Commercial Projects and Business
    14.95 Privacy & 6mth Hosting Included
  • .Pro Domains

    .Pro Domains

    Professional goods and services
    $11.95 Privacy & 6mth Hosting Included
  • .law Domains

    .law Domains

    Exclusive to Law Firms
    $235.00 Privacy & 6mth Hosting Included
  • .net Domains

    .net Domains

    Professional network or group
    $16.95 Privacy & 6mth Hosting Included
  • .org Domains

    .org Domains

    Professional Organizations
    $16.95 Privacy & 6mth Hosting Included
  • 1

.ca Domains and other TLDs Registered at Coolcom

.ca domains are the Internet country code top-level domain for Canada. All countries are assigned a top level domain (TLD) and in Canada, the core domain name registry that oversees .ca domain names is CIRA. COOLCOM was established in 1999 and became a major player in the registration of .ca domain names as well as all other TLDs and has since remained one of Canada's favorite suppliers of URLs.

Renew .ca Domains and other TLDs

Renewing .ca domains and other TLDs can be done right here at COOLCOM Premium. If you licensed your domain name with us, just log in and click "My Domains and Hosting" in the menu. Click any domain listed in your account to renew. If your domain is licensed elsewhere you can transfer it to our registry quickly and easily (see below) to take advantage of our .ca domain and other TLD tools specific to your needs. 

.ca domain Transfers and other TLDs

Transfer domains to the COOLCOM Premium Registry to take advantage of pricing, tools and service. Our award winning entirely unique one page domain list admin has taken the domain community by storm. While the others keep tweaking klunky interfaces attached to other klunky interfaces, the COOLCOM admin is a single page that does everything for all your domains; all tied to the internet's best pricing and support. 

Included with Domain Registrations

  • $10.00 Privacy on .ca Domains and all other TLDs
  • DNS Setting Control, point at any Hosting Provider
  • 1-Click Admin Panel, no getting lost
  • Award winning Canadian "on-hand" tech team
  • Optional FREE Hosting for 6 months
  • Check out our PREMIUM Domains

ca domains registered with canadian firm

Domain Registrations at COOLCOM Premium

COOLCOM has been helping clients wade through .ca domain registration rules and regulations since 1996. Co-Founder Kenneth Cool was a pioneer in the .ca pre-CIRA days when .ca domain name licensing rules challenged even the most patient minds. His capable guidance enabled many of the .ca domain worlds first users to register their first .ca domain.

When registering with COOLCOM, you gain the full benefit of "insider" knowledge that comes from years of personal experience. Someday that knowledge may just get you over one of those unexpected hurdles registrants often come up against.

With the addition of Cost Plus pricing, .ca domain registrations have taken on unprecedented additional attractive options.

.ca Domain Registration Enhancement (and other TLDs) at COOLCOM's Domain.ca Registry

Not ready or needing a full website just yet? Have other ideas? You won't believe what a .ca domain registration can do all by itself... how you can be worry free... and how you can capitalize on personal email for your whole team or company... when you have the right company and services behind you. .ca domain name COOL Deluxe is the ultimate domain registration enhancement package.

.ca Domain Registration and Account Management at COOLCOM's Domain.ca Registry (Corporate and Personal)

Like a skilled hotel concierge, trust COOLCOM's high boutique standards and expert domain team to use their "insider" knowledge to ensure your .ca domain registration presents no unexpected surprises during your domain ownership stay.... and that "every little thing" is looked after.

.ca domain Registration and Domain Renewal is only the beginning. COOLCOM's Domain Managers can handle portfolios as small as one domain or corporate folios of 100 or more. They'll get your domains pointed, assign name servers, personally assist with renewals, update contact info, and send you regular reports for your peach of mind... you and your business stay stress free. It's all part of COOLCOM's exclusive Domain Guardian Service.

.ca Domain Registration, Transfers, Renewals, and Registrant Changes at COOLCOM's Domain.ca Registry

The COOLCOM Client Center is your exclusive and custom designed Canadian .ca domain registration and website Customer Center. No mater what the need, you will find solutions, comfort and intelligent assistance. We'll help you with the hazy world of domain .ca domain transfers so you can bring all your domains into one common management system. We provide the interface to help you keep your domain name contact info current. Need to move a domain to another person? Consider it done. At renewal time, it's just a click and pay away. With a stellar one hour turn around time, our Help Desk team is quick to answer and fix whatever you might come across. .ca domain names and Canadian Website hosting is what we've been doing since 1999.

How do I register a new .ca domain?

Registration of .ca domain names is easy! Simply proceed to the domain registration page of this site to get started. As a bonus, free hosting is added to all .ca domain registrations as well as any .com, net. org, info etc domains. You get 6 months full hosting with email offered to you on checkout. 

How do I renew .ca domain that I already own?

Is your .ca domain registered with Domain.ca COOLCOM? If so then all you need to do is log into your account! Click your domain list and tick the .ca domain to renew. This process is the same even if your domain name is a .com, net, org or other tld, as long as you have it registered with us. You may also have "auto renew" selected for your .ca domain, in which case sit back and relax; your domain is renewed for you. 

How do I transfer my .ca domain from another registry to Domain.ca? 

Yes, once you have experienced the easy of use and fabulous tools in your domain.ca Client Centre, you may want to move all your domains to keep them under the one convenient roof. To get started visit our domain transfer page over here. 

Can anyone register a .ca domain?

.ca domains are under the Canadian CIRA domain name authority. Rules as set out determine that you must be a Canadian Citizen, have a Canadian Address or meet other criteria as governed by the aforementioned authority. Keep in mind that if you don't qualify for a .ca domain, there are a multitude of other TLDs that may work well for your online idea. 

What if I accidentally let my .ca domain expire? Can I still renew it?

Yes you can! You have 30 days in which to renew your .ca domain name and after those 30 days, you can still renew the URL, but CIRA will apply a penalty or "late fee" as the .ca domain will now be in what is called "redemption" which applies additional constraints on the renewal. Keep in mind the fees are set out by CIRA and charged by all domain registries. Domain.ca has one of the lowest redemption fee schedules applied in the industry to an expired .ca domain. 

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