Business-led Recovery

As 2021 begins, Canada continues to face strong headwinds. COVID-19 numbers are rising, restrictions on our activities remain — and may even increase — and we face great economic uncertainty as businesses downsize or close and Canadians lose their jobs.

Across Canada, the reality that we might be dealing with COVID-19 well into 2022, in one form or another, is beginning to settle in. It’s an uncomfortable truth we can no longer afford to ignore, downplay or, worse, spin politically.

We can spend our time finding fault with lockdowns, support programs and political decisions or we can all get busy being part of the solution that gets us to recovery — both health and economic — as fast as possible.

Canadians believe government is their saviour during the pandemic, but economic recovery has to be business led. Canadians can’t return to their normal lives until they are gainfully employed. In the short term, the most direct path to economic recovery is the successful management and eradication of COVID-19. The business community can play an important leadership role in developing entrepreneurial solutions to this objective.


Our Business-led Recovery partners are business leaders of all sizes, from every part of the country, who have chosen to be all in. They are creating real solutions to help Canadian businesses and the Canadians they employ beat COVID-19 and return to economic health.

We believe the most direct route to recovery is through widespread vaccination, the broad use of rapid testing and contact tracing, and a commitment to best practices on public health measures.

We intend to bring the entrepreneurial DNA of our members and of our COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Leadership Council to take on the social, economic and healthcare challenges created by COVID-19. The ingenuity and adaptability of businesses will allow us to be a critical partner of governments to deliver results much more quickly.

The path towards recovery is found in three distinct, but interdependent, phases:

Making sure Canadians and businesses get through the current lockdown.

Making sure we reopen our economy successfully and never return to lockdowns again.

Making sure Canada has a viable economic plan to recover its damaged and transformed economy.

Thank you to our sponsors