D4-1-4 - Customs Sufferance Warehouses
Memorandum D4-1-4

Ottawa, September 2, 2011

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In Brief

This memorandum replaces Memorandum D4-1-4 dated August 8, 2008. The following changes were made:

  • (a) Customs Sufferance Warehouse Regulations were removed. Consult the Department of Justice Web site.
  • (b) A new process is indicated to advertise BW type sufferance warehouses (SW).
  • (c) Additional section on geographic and minimum volume thresholds for the opening and closing of sufferance warehouses.
  • (d) Additional section on access restrictions to sufferance warehouses.

This memorandum explains the procedures an individual or company must follow to obtain, amend or cancel a Canada Border Services (CBSA) customs sufferance warehouse licence. It also describes the conditions for operating a sufferance warehouse and the types of sufferance warehouses that may be licensed in Canada.

Table of Contents


Regulations Respecting Customs Sufferance Warehouses
Short Title

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations.

Consult the Department of Justice Web site at http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca.

Guidelines and General Information

Licensing of Sufferance Warehouses

1. Sufferance warehouses are privately owned and operated facilities licensed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for the control, short-term storage, transfer, delivery and examination of in-bond goods until the goods are released by the CBSA or exported from Canada.

Application for a Licence

2. An application for a licence to operate a sufferance warehouse must be made in writing on the appropriate application form. There are three types of warehouse application forms - E400, E400B and E400C, as found in Appendices A to C. These forms are available from CBSA offices as well as on the CBSA Web site at www.cbsa.gc.ca under "Publications and Forms".

3. The use of a particular form is dependent on the type of sufferance warehouse being applied for. A detailed description of the types of sufferance warehouses, correct application form for each type, and the operating requirements and restrictions specific to each type, can be found in this memorandum.

4. Only the person who will operate the business may file for an application in the name of a sole proprietorship. However, one of the partners or associates may file an application on behalf of a partnership or unincorporated association and one of the directors may file on behalf of a corporation. Information concerning all the partners, associates, or directors must be provided if requested by the CBSA.

5. Applicants for warehouses to store firearms, prohibited ammunition, prohibited devices or prohibited weapons, must obtain a carrier licence or a business firearms licence. The Registrar of Firearms is responsible for issuing carrier licences, and the Chief Firearms Officer of the province or territory where the business will operate is responsible for issuing business firearms licences. Further information on these licences is available on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Firearms Program Web site at www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca. The applicant must submit the carrier licence or the firearms business licence with their application for a sufferance warehouse licence to store firearms, prohibited ammunition, prohibited devices or weapons.

6. The completed sufferance warehouse application form must be forwarded in triplicate to the local CBSA office that has jurisdiction over the area where the proposed warehouse is to be located. The application must be submitted with the following:

7. The CBSA will date stamp applications and forward an acknowledgment of receipt to the applicant.

8. The CBSA will examine the proposed sufferance warehouse to ensure that the facility meets CBSA requirements for location, suitability, accommodations, heat and light as outlined in the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations, Part II, Operation of Sufferance Warehouses.

9. The CBSA will post a Notice of Application for Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse, Form L61, for a period of 10 working days in the CBSA office that will service the proposed warehouse. The notice lists the name and address of the applicant and the proposed warehouse location. It provides the public with 14 calendar days to submit comments on the application. A sample Form L61 can be found in Appendix E. The form is also available on the CBSA Web site at www.cbsa.gc.ca under "Publications and Forms".

10. Applicants should not finalize any lease that is dependent on the granting of the sufferance warehouse licence and should not expend capital resources for renovations or construction of sufferance warehouse facilities until the application has been approved, or approved in principle, by the CBSA.

Financial Requirements to Obtain a Licence

11. When the CBSA approves an application for a sufferance warehouse, before the licence is issued to the applicant the following conditions must be met:

12. Applicants must not start operating the sufferance warehouse until the application has been approved or approved in principle by the CBSA.

13. If the application is rejected, the CBSA will advise the applicant in writing of the reason for rejection.

Financial Security

14. Security for each sufferance warehouse must be in an amount calculated on the basis of $1000 for each 1000 shipments or releases per year destined to the warehouse facility. Security will not be less than $20,000.00.

15. General procedures for posting security can be found in Memorandum D1-7-1, Posting Security for Transacting Bonded Operations. Bonds issued for customs sufferance warehouses must be on Form D120, Customs Bond, as found in Appendix F. The form is also available on the CBSA Web site at www.cbsa.gc.ca under Publications and Forms.

16. One security bond may be filed for all sufferance warehouses located within the same CBSA office area. The bond must not be less than the amount determined by the Minister as required under subsection 4(1) of the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations. The address of each warehouse must be indicated on the bond or on an attached rider. The bond must be submitted to the local CBSA office that has jurisdiction over the area where the operator intends to establish a sufferance warehouse facility (ies).

17. One national bond may be filed for all sufferance warehouses located within several CBSA office areas if it is not less than the amount determined by the Minister as required under subsection 4(1) of the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations. The address and bond amount of each warehouse and the appropriate CBSA office must be indicated on an attached rider. The national bond must be submitted to Headquarters (Operations Branch) in order that copies can be distributed to each affected local CBSA office.

18. The CBSA will advise licensees when the surety company has canceled security for their sufferance warehouse. However, it is the responsibility of licensees to ensure that new security is on file with the CBSA.

19. Licensees must report new security or amendments to existing security by completing an application Form E400 in triplicate and forwarding it to the local CBSA office. Failure to present new security to the CBSA before the termination date of their previous security could result in the suspension of their licence after the bond termination date.

Licence Fee/Renewal Fee

20. One licence fee is payable annually for each sufferance warehouse licence. Where a licence is issued on or after October 1, in a fiscal year, the fee payable for the remainder of the fiscal year is reduced by 50 percent. The local CBSA office will give notice to the licensee, before April 1 each year, for the yearly licence fee. However, it is the responsibility of licensees to ensure that the fee is paid whether or not they receive notification.

21. Under the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations, a licence to operate a sufferance warehouse may be cancelled if the annual licence fee is not paid.

22. A licence fee will not be refunded when a licensee ceases operations before the end of the fiscal year.

Amendment of Licence

23. Under section 6 of the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations, requests for an amendment to a sufferance warehouse licence must be made by submitting Form E400, in triplicate, to the appropriate local CBSA office that has jurisdiction of where the sufferance warehouse operates. Requests for amendments will be processed in the same way as new applications. If the request is approved, the licensee will receive an amended licence. If the request is denied, the CBSA will advise the licensee in writing of the reasons for denial.

24. Licencees will be advised in writing, 90 days in advance of when the Minister intends to amend a licence to change the class of goods that may be received in the warehouse or to change the circumstances under which the goods may be received. However, before a licence is amended, the licensee will be given a period of 90 days from the date of the notice to make representations as to why the licence must not be amended (refer to subsection 6(2) of the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations).

Suspension of Licence

25. When a licence is to be suspended by the Minister, the CBSA will advise the licensee by registered mail of the immediate suspension and provide all relevant information concerning the grounds for the suspension. The licensee will have 90 days to provide information why the licence should be reinstated.

26. In cases where the licensee must take corrective action, the proposed suspension will be withdrawn when the CBSA is satisfied that the reasons for the suspension no longer exist.

27. The CBSA will advise licensees by registered mail when a suspended licence has been reinstated.

Cancellation of Licence (by licensee or by the CBSA)

28. Licensees who wish to cancel their sufferance warehouse licence must advise the CBSA in writing at least 60 days before the effective cancellation date. The CBSA officer will acknowledge the notice of cancellation. In the case of an abrupt or unplanned closure (e.g. as a result of a fire, bankruptcy) the licensee must immediately advise the local CBSA office of the closure, in order that measures can be taken by the CBSA to control access to the facility.

29. When the Minister intends to cancel a licence, the CBSA will advise the licensee by registered mail 90 days before the intended date of cancellation. The CBSA will provide the licensee with all relevant information concerning the grounds for the cancellation. During the 90-day period, the licensee may provide information to the CBSA explaining why the licence must not be cancelled. The CBSA will consider this information and the notice of cancellation will be withdrawn if the Minister is satisfied that the cause for the cancellation no longer exists

Change of Ownership/Lease Agreement

30. When a change of ownership or control of a facility is planned, the licensee must advise the CBSA in writing at least 60 days before the effective date of the change.

31. If ownership or control of the facility changes, the CBSA will cancel the existing licence to operate the sufferance warehouse. A change of ownership or control of a warehouse requires submission of a completely new sufferance warehouse application on Form E400 to operate the sufferance warehouse. The new owner or the party taking control of the warehouse must apply on Form E400, in triplicate, for a licence to operate a customs sufferance warehouse. If the applicant is not making any changes to the physical structure of the facility, the building's plan specifications may not be required. The CBSA will process the application in the same way as an application for a new warehouse.

Change of Ownership of Highway Sufferance Warehouse (Type BW)

32. When a change of ownership or control of a facility is planned, the licensee must advise the CBSA in writing, at least 60 days before the effective date of the change.

33. If the Minister determines that a new or an additional highway sufferance warehouse is required, applications will be invited through the issuance of a Customs Notice. All applications in response to advertisements must be submitted in triplicate on Form E400B, Application for Licence to Operate a Customs Highway Sufferance Warehouse, to the CBSA office indicated on the Customs Notice.

Sub-Leasing a Sufferance Warehouse

34. Sufferance warehouse licensees may sub-lease a section of their warehouses to a person or persons licensed to operate a sufferance warehouse.

35. To obtain a licence to operate a sufferance warehouse, the person or persons wishing to sub-lease, referred to as the lessee, must complete application Form E400, E400B or E400C, as applicable, in triplicate and forward it through the licensee, referred to as the lessor, to the CBSA office administering the area where the warehouse is located. The application must be submitted with the following:

36. The CBSA will process the application as in the case of a new application to operate a sufferance warehouse.

37. If the CBSA approves an application for a sufferance warehouse, the licence with the assigned licence number and other pertinent information will be sent to the applicant if the following conditions are met:

38. Sufferance warehouse lessors must advise the CBSA in writing of any relocation, reductions, extensions, or other changes affecting the sub-leased areas within the warehouse. They must send a copy of the amended floor plan with the notice to the local CBSA office. In these cases, if approved by the CBSA, an amended application is not required from the lessor.

Relocation of Warehouse

39. When planning a change in location, the licensee must advise the CBSA in writing of the intention to relocate. This notice must be given to the CBSA on Form E400 at least 60 days before relocating.

40. The licensee must complete Form E400 in triplicate to apply for a licence to operate a sufferance warehouse at the new location. The CBSA will process the application for relocation in the same manner as for new applications. If approved, the CBSA will issue a new licence for this location. The licensee must provide new security or a rider to the existing surety bond indicating the relocated warehouse location. A licence fee will not be charged for the new licence unless the date of issue coincides with the renewal date of the existing licence.

41. If a licensee relocates the sufferance warehouse operation without the CBSA's previous written approval, the CBSA may cancel the existing licence to operate a sufferance warehouse.

42. Applicants should not expend capital funds for renovations or construction until a licence is issued or until the application has been approved in principle.

43. Applicants must not start operating the sufferance warehouse at the new location until conditional or final approval has been given by the CBSA.

Closure of Warehouse

44. The licensee must advise the CBSA in writing at least 60 days before the effective date of the closure. The CBSA will acknowledge a notice of closure from a licensee.

45. All in-bond goods must be accounted for by the payment of duties and taxes or by transferring the goods to a location authorized by the CBSA before any sufferance warehouse closes. The goods may also be exported from Canada.

46. A CBSA officer will conduct a warehouse check to ensure that all in-bond goods accounted for.

Responsibilities of the Licensee

47. Licensees are responsible for identifying and providing adequate space in the warehouse building and the detention compound for the safe storage of in-bond goods. If it is determined that there is not enough space for the volume of traffic, the CBSA may ask the licensee to provide additional storage space.

48. Unless the sufferance warehouse licensee has made other arrangements with parties using the warehouse facilities, the licensee is responsible for providing proper equipment for unloading and moving shipments as well as personnel to locate, open, and close packages for CBSA examinations.

49. Licensees must take reasonable measures to restrict warehouse access to authorized persons only. Unauthorized persons are not allowed access without previous written authorization from the CBSA or in the attendance of a CBSA officer. Signs informing of this restriction must be posted at the warehouse entrance. A CBSA officer must accompany customs brokers and their employees who wish to get invoices or other documents from shipments stored in the warehouse. Special service charges may apply, as outlined in Memorandum D1-2-1, Special Services.

50. Licensees handling imported freight on behalf of carriers and importers must take reasonable measures to ensure that confidentiality regarding their clients' shipments is maintained at all times.

Building Requirements

51. Sufferance warehouse building requirements will be subject to approval by the local CBSA office and must have, as a minimum:

52. A separate area exclusively for the storage of in-bond shipments is required in the warehouse building or in the detention compound. In-bond goods must not be co-mingled with domestic goods and access to in-bond goods must be restricted to authorized persons only.

53. If a group of sufferance warehouses is located in a building owned by a person or company other than the applicant, the landlord must provide accommodation, utilities, and furnishings for the CBSA examiners' office. Individual applicants are required to provide only space, equipment, and a worktable needed for examining goods.

54. When a sufferance warehouse is being constructed, the building must conform exactly to the original plans submitted to the CBSA unless the CBSA has given previous approval to deviate from the original plans.

Building Modifications

55. Licensees must get approval from the CBSA before starting modifications that will affect the sufferance warehouse area. Such modifications would include:

56. The licensee must submit a drawing showing the proposed changes to the local CBSA office. An amended application form is not normally required unless an extension to the warehouse structure is proposed.

57. For certain warehouse types, (e.g. BW, SL, SO, SO (CSA)) final approval of proposed changes is given by Headquarters (Operations Branch) on the recommendation of the local CBSA office.

Access Restrictions to Sufferance Warehouse Facilities

58. In accordance with subsection 12(2), Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations, no person other than the licensee, an employee of the licensee or an employee of a carrier engaged in the delivery of goods to or the removal of goods from the sufferance warehouse, shall enter any place in it where goods are stored, without the written authorization or the attendance of an officer.

Receipt and Refusal of Goods Into the Warehouse

59. The licensee must acknowledge receipt of all imported goods placed in the warehouse upon receipt of the goods from the carrier. This may be done by providing the carrier with a transfer document or endorsing the carrier's cargo control document, bill of lading, or other similar document with a signature and date. By acknowledging receipt, the licensee accepts responsibility for the applicable duties and taxes on the imported goods.

60. The licensee may refuse goods that are brought to the warehouse for safekeeping if storage is being requested by or on behalf of a person who has an unpaid account for storage fees at the warehouse.

Storage of Firearms and Other Weapons

61. Under the Firearms Act, a sufferance warehouse licensee will be required to possess a carrier licence or a business firearms licence to store firearms, prohibited ammunition, prohibited devices or prohibited weapons. The Registrar of Firearms is responsible for issuing carrier licences, and the Chief Firearms Officer of the province or territory where the business will operate is responsible for issuing business firearms licences.

62. Firearms, prohibited ammunition, prohibited devices and prohibited weapons are required to be stored according to the Storage, Display and Transportation of Firearms and Other Weapons by Businesses Regulations. The requirements in these Regulations must be applied in addition to current CBSA requirements.

63. The licensee is responsible for immediately informing the CBSA if the office of the Registrar or the Chief Firearms Office revokes their carrier licence or a business firearms licence. Memorandum 19-13-2, Importing and Exporting Firearms, Weapons, and Devices, the Customs Tariff, Criminal Code, Firearms Act, and Export and Import Permits Act provide general information for the importation and exportation of firearms, weapons, ammunition and prohibited devices.

Alteration of Goods

64. To facilitate the removal of goods from a sufferance warehouse for further transport, under the Regulations, goods may be manipulated, unpacked, packed, altered or combined with other goods while in a sufferance warehouse only for the purpose of:

65. Each request must be approved by the local CBSA office.

Record Keeping - Open and Closed

66. Under section 3.1 of the Imported Goods Records Regulations, licensees must maintain an open and a closed file for all imported goods delivered to and removed from their warehouse.

67. The CBSA document used to report the goods into the warehouse, such as the licensee's copy of Form A8A, Cargo Control Document, or an electronic equivalent, must be kept on an open file until an acquittal is received from the CBSA authorizing the removal of the goods from the warehouse.

68. Sufferance warehouse licensees may not release goods from their warehouse until they are in receipt of one of the following:

69. Where a Value Added Network (VAN) or Internet connection for RNS is not viable for a licensee, a dedicated service provider can receive the release notification electronically and give a facsimile copy to the licensee for release and record-keeping purposes. However, the service provider must provide a letter of authorization from the licensee to receive RNS on their behalf. A sample letter of authorization can be found in the RNS Participants Requirements Document (PRD), which is available from the Electronic Commerce Unit of the CBSA's Systems Operations and Business Support Division by calling 1-888-957-7224 or by contacting the ECU at www.cbsa.gc.ca under "eservices/eccrd".

70. Release notification for certain types of shipments, for example bulk mail, will continue to be paper-based as they are not processed through the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) and no RNS is generated. Other exceptions include sufferance warehouses located at a true non-terminal office (i.e. not automated for release in ACROSS) where RNS is not possible; and Type SH sufferance warehouses that are used exclusively for the storage of used household goods and personal effects.

71. The licensee must keep records of release documents or data in a closed file for possible future reference and audit.

72. The licensee must keep all records for six years from the date that the goods were removed from the warehouse. The records must be stored at the sufferance warehouse facility. Licensees wishing to store their records at another location must get permission from the CBSA district manager. Records may be microfilmed provided the conditions in Memorandum D17-1-21, Maintenance of Records in Canada by Importers, are met.

73. The CBSA accepts computer-generated printouts for audit purposes if the shipment information can be found through the cargo control numbers. The printout must also include the names of the consignees and details on the quantity and weight of the shipments.

74. When the master cargo control document is acquitted by freight forwarders' house bills, that is 8000 series advice notes, or by Forms A10, Cargo Control Abstract, the acquittal copy of the master cargo control document must be returned to the licensee with a notation showing the number of house bills or abstracts issued for the shipment. The master cargo control document must be kept on the open file until copies of all 8000 bills or Forms A10 are received. All documents must then be filed in the closed file. More information on these forms can be found in Memorandum D3-3-1.

75. Those responsible for preparing Forms A10 or house bills will provide the licensee with the licensee's copies of the documents. These documents must be kept on the open file until the CBSA authorizes removal of the shipments.

76. If the shipment is transferred from the original warehouse to the freight forwarder's warehouse, the licensee's copies of the house bills will be given to the receiving warehouse licensee.

Unclaimed Goods

77. Under the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations, licensees must provide the CBSA with a list of all goods that are not removed from the sufferance warehouse within the time limits specified in section 15 of the Regulations. The list must be provided on the first business day following the end of the specified time limits. Imported goods remaining in the warehouse beyond the specified time limits will be recorded by the CBSA as unclaimed and will be subject to disposal under the Customs Act.

Warehouse Checks

78. The CBSA conducts periodic warehouse checks to make sure the facility continues to meet the requirements of the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations. The CBSA will suspend or cancel the licence of licensees whose facilities, equipment, or accommodation do not meet the regulatory or operational requirements. The CBSA advises licensees in writing of licence suspensions or cancellations and allows a reasonable period of time to correct deficiencies.

Geographic Boundaries and Minimum Volume Thresholds to Open and Close a Sufferance Warehouse

79. Recognizing that the CBSA regions across Canada have unique operational requirements, decisions by the CBSA to open new SW facilities or close existing facilities should continue to be considered on a case by case basis, taking into account the existing needs of the client balanced against the availability of CBSA personnel to service the location.

80. Specific criteria on minimum volume thresholds and maximum distances are not defined by the CBSA and cannot be standardized on a national basis. Local CBSA officials will continue to apply their discretion in the application of volume and distance thresholds, and strive to ensure consistency in their decisions to licence new SW facilities or close existing facilities, based on their local needs.

Types of Sufferance Warehouses

81. There are five main types of sufferance warehouses: A, B, C, S, and PS.

Type A - General Merchandise

82. An airline, marine, or railway company can operate a Type A sufferance warehouse. This type of warehouse is used for storing imported goods carried in the company's system. A Type A warehouse may also be operated by a cargo handler acting under contract as an exclusive agent of an airline, marine, or railway company. Type A sufferance warehouses also include those located at a marine wharf and operated by a harbour commission, stevedoring company, or other person who provides equipment, personnel, and other services for unloading and storing imported goods arriving by vessel. Type A warehouses are classified into the following sub-types:

airline company
marine company;
railway company including rail yards and bond tracks;
cargo handler for any of the above; and
harbour commissions, stevedoring companies, and others.
Air Sufferance Warehouses

83. Air carriers must apply to operate a Type AA sufferance warehouse for receiving general merchandise arriving by air if the facility is located on airport property and if the CBSA provides service for receiving commercial shipments at the airport.

Cargo Handler Warehouses

84. Specific carriers may contract the services of a cargo handler to handle their imported freight. In these cases, the cargo handler is subject to the same rules and regulations as the carrier.

85. A cargo handler must meet the following conditions for approval to operate a Type AH sufferance warehouse:

86. Cargo handlers may not operate as a consolidator, deconsolidator, or freight forwarder. However, they may provide a cargo handling service on behalf of consolidators, deconsolidators, and freight forwarders if they have a written agreement to do so. When requested, cargo handlers must provide a copy of the agreement to the CBSA.

87. The CBSA must be given copies of any amendments to the cargo handling contract and, if applicable, confirmation that the contract has been renewed.

88. Cargo handlers must advise the CBSA in writing when a contract is terminated. The sufferance warehouse licence may be cancelled if the cargo handler does not have a cargo-handling contract with a carrier.

Rail Sufferance Warehouses

89. Railway carriers must apply for a Type AR rail sufferance warehouse licence for each company yard in the area of a CBSA office where vehicles containing imported goods are held until the CBSA releases the goods. Specific tracks within the yard may be designated for this purpose.

90. If warehouse facilities are not available within the company yard, the CBSA may ask the railway carrier to relocate a shipment to a suitable designated area for examination. If there is no suitable area within the company yard, the shipment will be relocated to a sufferance warehouse.

91. Requirements and restrictions for the operation of warehouse types AA, AM, AR, AH and AW are:

(a) Warehouse Type: AA

(b) Warehouse Type: AM

(c) Warehouse Type: AR

(d) Warehouse Type: AH

(e) Warehouse Type: AW

Type B - General Merchandise

92. A Type B sufferance warehouse is used to store imported goods that arrive by highway in commercial vehicles. Type B warehouses are classified into the following sub-types:

for imported goods deposited by highway carriers;
operated by highway carrier;
BL Off-site
operated by highway carriers for containerized freight only.
Highway Sufferance Warehouses

93. The CBSA restricts the number of Type BW highway sufferance warehouses to one within the area of a CBSA office. However, the CBSA may consider licensing additional warehouses under the following conditions:

94. The CBSA will not normally approve a licence to operate a Type BW sufferance warehouse for receiving general merchandise arriving by commercial vehicles at border locations as they are already serviced by frontier examining warehouses. Exceptions may be made if the frontier examining warehouse is unsuitable for storing and examining commercial shipments or if the volume of traffic justifies licensing a highway sufferance warehouse. Exceptions can only be made if the CBSA is able to provide service.

95. If the Minister determines that a new or an additional Type BW sufferance warehouse is required, applications will be invited through the issuance of a Customs Notice. All applications must be submitted in triplicate on Form E400B, Application for Licence to Operate a Customs Highway Sufferance Warehouse, (see Appendix B) to the CBSA office indicated in the advertisement.

96. The CBSA will issue a licence to the successful applicant once all requirements are met and advise all applicants in writing of the Minister's decision.

97. Once a Type BW licence has been issued in an area, the CBSA will not consider applications for additional sufferance warehouse licences for at least two years unless otherwise directed by the Minister.

Type BL

98. Type BL sufferance warehouses are operated by a bonded highway carrier leasing space within a BW warehouse to store imported goods carried in the bonded highway carrier's system, such as goods carried under the carrier code assigned by the CBSA.

Type BL Off-Site

99. Type BL off-site sufferance warehouse licences are issued if the following conditions are met:

100. Requirements and restrictions for the operation of warehouse types BW, BL and BL Off-site are:

(a) Warehouse Type: BW

(b) Warehouse Type: BL

(c) Warehouse Type: BL Off-site

Type C - General Merchandise

101. Type C sufferance warehouses are operated by a third party for the storage, deconsolidation and sorting of imported shipments. They are also used for the consolidation of shipments according to their destination. Type C sufferance warehouses are classified into the following sub-type:

operated by a consolidator, deconsolidator, bonded freight forwarder or customs broker.
Type CW - Sufferance Warehouses

102. A Type CW sufferance warehouse licence will be issued if the applicant meets all of the regulatory requirements including volume of business, financial stability, physical structure, and location of the building. The CBSA may reject any application if the proposed facility is not located within a reasonable distance of locations where CBSA commercial service is currently provided, as determined by the CBSA. The application may also be rejected if the CBSA determines that providing service to the proposed facility will adversely affect service levels at other approved locations.

103. At locations where the CBSA will provide service on a full-time basis, the applicant must be prepared to fund the installation and maintenance of computer terminals and transmission lines as required by the CBSA.

104. If the CBSA is unable to provide service directly to these warehouses, operators are required to arrange for an existing sufferance warehouse to handle the goods requiring examination. These arrangements are subject to approval by the CBSA.

105. Regional officials will determine where release documents will be processed in their region.

106. The CBSA may consider an application for a licence to operate a Type CW sufferance warehouse that is not located on airport property if the CBSA is able to provide service. Approval is also subject to the following conditions:

107. Requirements and restrictions for operating a type CW sufferance warehouse are:

Type S - Specific Classes of Goods

108. A Type S sufferance warehouse is one operated by a person or persons for the storage of specific classes of imported goods arriving by any mode of transportation. Type S sufferance warehouses are classified into the following sub-types:

perishable goods, e.g. fruits and vegetables, fresh meat, fish, poultry, flowers, human plasma, etc.
used household goods and personal effects;
provincial liquor jurisdictions;
other specific classes of goods as specified on the warehouse licence. Some examples include bulk and liquid products, products used in the oil drilling industry, and lumber.
goods transported by CSA carriers.
Type SO - (CSA) Sufferance Warehouses

109. A type SO (CSA) Sufferance warehouse will be issued if the applicant meets the regulatory requirements, as well as the requirements of the CSA program. See Memorandum D3-1-7, Customs Self Assessment Program for Carriers, for information on CSA program requirements. If the CBSA is unable to provide service directly to these warehouses, operators will be required to backhaul shipments requiring examination to an existing sufferance warehouse. When a backhaul arrangement is being used, the applicant will not be required to meet the examination requirements outlined in section 11(b), (c) of the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations. These arrangements are subject to approval by the CBSA. However, the CBSA may reject any application if the proposed facility is not located within a reasonable distance of locations where commercial service is currently provided, as determined by the CBSA.

110. Requirements and restrictions for operating warehouse types SF, SH, SO and SO (CSA) are:

(a) Warehouse Type: SF

(b) Warehouse Type: SH

(c) Warehouse Type: SL

(d) Warehouse Type: SO

(e) Warehouse Type: SO (CSA)

Type PS - Private Railway Siding

111. Type PS sufferance warehouses are railway sidings owned or operated by an importer where carloads of imported goods are held pending release by the CBSA.

112. The following conditions must be met before an application to operate a Type PS private railway siding will be approved:

113. For Type PS warehouses, you must submit your application with the following:

114. The "Sub-Leasing of Sufferance Warehouse" Section Licensing of Sufferance Warehouses and the "Building Requirements" and the "Building Modifications" Sections - Sufferance Warehouse Requirements do not apply to private railway sidings. The application process and other requirements for licensing sufferance warehouses can be found in this memorandum.

115. Requirements and restrictions for operating warehouse Type PS are:

116. In all cases where the CBSA does not provide on-site service for examinations, operators will be required to make arrangements, subject to CBSA approval, with an existing sufferance warehouse for the handling of goods requiring examination.

Penalty Information

117. A sufferance warehouse licensee is responsible to the Government of Canada for the safekeeping of all goods stored in the warehouse pending their entry into the economy of Canada or lawful removal. The licensee is liable for all duties and taxes assessed on the goods unless the licensee can produce the goods or show to the satisfaction of CBSA officials that the goods have been duly entered into Canada, lawfully removed from the warehouse, or destroyed while in the warehouse.

118. Licensees will be subject to penalties under the Customs Act for failing to meet regulatory requirements. For a listing of Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPS) please see Memorandum D22-1-1.


119. The CBSA monitors licensed sufferance warehouse facilities on an ongoing basis to ensure that all regulatory and program requirements are met.

Additional Information

120. For more information concerning this memorandum, please contact:

Assessment and Licensing Division
Trade Programs and CARM Directorate
Programs Branch
Canada Border Services Agency
150 Isabella Street, 10th Floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0L8

Appendix A

Form E400 Application for Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse, page 1
Form E400 Instructions, page 2

Appendix B

Form E400B, page 1
Application for Licence to Operate a Customs Highway Sufferance Warehouse
Form E400B Introduction, page 2
Application for Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse, page 1
Application for Licence Instructions
Site and Building Proposals - Schedule A
Financial Stability - Schedule B, page 1
Financial Stability - Schedule B, page 2
Employment/Business Experience - Schedule C-1, page 1
Employment/Business Experience - Schedule C-1, page 2

Appendix C

Pro-Forma Business Plan - Schedule D
Form E400C, page 1
Application for Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse
Form E400C Instructions, page 2
Site and Building Proposals, page 1
Site and Building Proposals, page 2

Appendix D

Cargo Handling Contract
Import Cargo



3. Place cargo under CBSA control, clearing discrepancies in accordance with CBSA requirements.

4. Notify consignee/agent of arrival in accordance with the carrier's instructions and in accordance with CBSA requirements.

5. Provide facilities for collection of collect charges.

6. Take action in accordance with the carrier's instructions where the consignee refuses to accept the shipment.

Cargo Services

7. Clear cargo through CBSA in accordance with the instruction(s) of the carrier's clients and in concurrence with CBSA requirements.

8. Store cargo in accordance with CBSA requirements.

Transfer Cargo


10. In accordance with CBSA requirements put cargo under CBSA control, clearing discrepancies.


12. Provide essential equipment and storage facilities for special cargo for example perishables, live animals, valuables, news films, and other special items.

13. Prepare transfer manifest(s) for cargo to be transported by another carrier.

14. Provide transport to the warehouse of the receiving carrier, for transfer cargo under cover of a transfer document or any other document required by the CBSA.

Export Cargo (where applicable)

15. Provide accommodation and services for acceptance of cargo and ensure adequate control that shipments and documents when delivered for transportation by shipping either directly or through the intermediary of carrier's agent are made "ready for carriage," any irregularity to be reported to the carrier.

16. In accordance with CBSA requirements, put cargo under CBSA control.


18. Tally and assemble for dispatch by weight and volume cargo up to capacity available on the carrier's vehicles.

19. Prepare for delivery onto vehicles:


21. Obtain CBSA export clearance.


22. Present to CBSA, as required, cargo for physical examination.

23. Deal with lost, found, and damaged cargo and report such irregularities to the carrier.

24. Notify the carrier of any complaints and claims made by the carrier's clients.

For Air Only

25. The cargo handler undertakes to convey and deliver documents between aircraft and appropriate airport buildings.

26. The cargo handler undertakes to provide transport for CBSA personnel from warehouse to aircraft and ramp area as and when required.

Appendix E

Form L61
Notice of Application for Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse


Issuing office:
Commercial Border Policy Division
Border and Compliance Programs Directorate
Canada Border Services Agency
Headquarters file:
Legislative references:
Regulations Respecting Customs Sufferance Warehouses
Customs Act
, sections 30, 37(1), 164, and 166
Other references:
D1-2-1, D1-5-1, D1-7-1, D3-1-7, D3-3-1, D17-1-21
Superseded memorandum D:
D4-1-4 dated August 8, 2008
Date modified: