Carleton’s Privacy Policies

Access to Information and Protection of Privacy [ .pdf ]
This policy ensures Carleton’s compliance with FIPPA. Additionally, it should also be used as a reference point for any other FIPPA policies when created to maintain consistency.

Collection of Personal Information [ .pdf ]
This policy outlines standards and practices for collecting information on behalf of the University with the express purpose of ensuring appropriate collection, protection of personal information, and compliance with FIPPA.

Freedom of Information Fee Schedule [ .pdf ]
This document sets out the policy for assessing the fees for responding to a formal access request under FIPPA. The schedule is consistent with other Canadian universities and the Ministry of Government Services.

Head of the Institution and Delegation of Authority [ .pdf ]
Designation of a University head and those with the authority to carry out this delegation are outlined in this policy. The secondary component to this document identifies those employees who are authorized to approve access and privacy decisions. This document applies to the Unviversity as a whole and is compliant with FIPPA.

Student and Applicant Record Policy [ .pdf ]
This policy should act as a guide to all departments on campus that regularly collect student information, all primary and secondary custodians of data, and employees who occasionally have access to student records. The rights and obligations of students, the University and its officers in matters pertaining to student records and applications are explained here.