Opinion: We can reduce the poverty gap by making work pay more

Canada already has a national wage subsidy program; we propose expanding it to a maximum of $5,460 per year

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Reducing poverty is a key societal goal. Canada has done a good job in addressing this issue for children and seniors. According to the “market basket measure,” Canada’s official poverty metric, the poverty rate for people under 18 fell from 19.2 per cent in 2006 to 8.2 per cent in 2018, while the rate for people 65 and over also fell significantly, from 7.6 per cent to 3.5 per cent.

In contrast, the poverty rate for the working-age population (those 18 to 64 years of age) was 10.3 per cent in 2018 — which is higher than for the other two groups and represents less of a decline. (It was 16 per cent in 2006.) Partly because of the country’s success in reducing poverty among children and seniors, the working-age population accounted for 75 per cent of people in poverty in Canada in 2018, up from 67 per cent in 2006.

Working-age people are even more important in terms of the poverty gap, that is, the total amount of income by which Canadians in aggregate fall short of the poverty line. Statistics Canada estimates that this gap was $18.5 billion in 2018 and that 82 per cent of it would need to go to working-age people, up from 74 per cent in 2006.


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Through programs such as the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors and the Canada Child Benefit, public policy has played a key role in reducing poverty for Canadian children and seniors. Reducing it for the working-age population is more challenging. Canadians expect most people in that population to work. Income transfers, whether conditional or unconditional, can have disincentive effects.

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Working-age people living in poverty include both those receiving social assistance and the working poor, with slightly less than one half (47 per cent) in the latter group. In all provinces and for all family types, income from welfare is below the poverty line. At the same time, low-wage jobs often do not pay enough to bring many full-time workers, especially those with families, up to the poverty line.

A poverty-reduction strategy for the working-age population needs several components, including higher welfare incomes, better skills-upgrading programs and fewer disincentives to work and save while on welfare. A recent report from one of us (Hillel) for the Centre for the Study of Living Standards argues that such a strategy should focus on the principle of making work pay. We believe the best way to do this is through an earnings supplement or wage subsidy for low-wage workers.


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Canada already has a national wage subsidy program, the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB). But it is not particularly generous. The maximum annual benefit for a single person is $1,355, and for a family, $2,335. We propose expanding the CWB to a maximum of $5,460 per year via a $3-per-hour wage subsidy up to a maximum of 1,820 hours per year (which is equivalent to full-time, full-year employment at 35 hours per week). Details on the proposal can be found in the report.

We estimate the gross cost of the program would be around $9 billion. But its net cost would be much lower. Benefits would be taxable; there would be savings on the current CWB program; and many workers would not receive the full annual subsidy. A maximum household income threshold for receipt of the wage subsidy could also be included to make sure it was targeted only to low-income households. Because subsidizing wages likely would increase people’s incentive to work, the costs of other income-support programs, such as social assistance, would likely fall. Overall societal costs associated with poverty would also fall.

With the focus shifting to the working-age poor, this enhanced wage subsidy is a logical next step in Canada’s poverty-reduction strategy. In addition to its obvious appeal of making work pay, it would have many advantages. The additional income parents would receive from it would help reduce child poverty, although the impact of high marginal effective tax rates over the clawback range (where greater earning leads to withdrawal of the subsidy) would need to be monitored closely. Integrating the program with the income tax system could provide automatic universal coverage of low-wage workers.

Right now, because of the pandemic, attention understandably is focused on short-term income support. As those programs are phased out, however, policy should shift toward longer-term approaches to reducing poverty among working-age Canadians. An enhanced wage subsidy is a good place to start.

Financial Post

Don Drummond, who teaches at Queen’s University, is chair of the Centre for the Study of Living Standards, where Inez Hillel is an economist and Andrew Sharpe executive director.