Canadian Agricultural Partnership


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Video: Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Video transcript

[Energetic piano music starts.]

[Video opens with two men standing in a greenhouse full of tomato plants.  They smile and shake hands.  In the far background we see the lines of the CAP logo move between plants.]

Narrator:  Collaboration is at the heart of farming and food.

[The shot changes to show a close up of a bright red apple hanging from the branch of an apple tree.  The lines from the CAP logo slowly move in from the left of the screen and disappear behind the apple.  Moments later the lines reappear and form the entire CAP logo.]

Text on screen:  Canadian Agricultural Partnership.  Grow.  Innovate.  Prosper.

In this spirit, your federal, provincial, and territorial governments created the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

[Energetic piano music continues.]

[A series of images of the Canadian agricultural sector appear on screen quickly, one after the other.  On top of the images we see some of the objectives of the Partnership.]

Text on screen:  Market Access

Text on screen:  Science & Innovation

Text on screen:  Risk Management

Text on screen:  Environmental Sustainability

Text on screen:  Diversity

[The images disappear and are replaced by a portion of the CAP logo.]

[Energetic piano music continues.]

Text on screen:  Canadian Agricultural Partnership.  Innovate.  Grow.  Prosper.

Find out which programs work for you.

[The lines from the CAP logo appear on screen from the left and form the missing part of the CAP logo.]

Text on screen:  To learn more:

[Cut to the Canada wordmark.]

Text on screen:  Canada.  (c) Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food (2018)

[The energetic piano music fades out.]

Canadian Agricultural Partnership: Innovate. Grow. Prosper.

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3 billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector.

The Partnership features:

  • simplified and streamlined programs and services that are easier to access
  • key enhancements to programs that help farmers manage significant risks that threaten the viability of their farm and are beyond their capacity to manage

Federal programs and activities

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada delivers federal programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership aimed at generating economic growth in the agricultural sector.

Application forms and guides for federal programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership are now available.

Cost-shared programs by federal, provincial and territorial governments

Federal, provincial and territorial governments are also continuing to work towards bilateral agreements. This investment will be cost-shared on a 60:40 basis and delivered by provinces and territories to ensure programs are tailored to meet regional needs.

To find out more about programs and services offered by your provincial or territorial government, visit their website.

Improvements to business risk management programs

Under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, BRM programs will continue to help producers manage significant risks that threaten the viability of their farm and are beyond their capacity to manage. Find out about the Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Business Risk Management Programs.

Find out more about other initiatives

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