ONe-key Account Registration

Your password must contain:
  • 8 to 16 characters
  • upper and lower case letters
  • number(s)
  • symbol(s) such as ~ ! @ + etc.
More password tips

Create your ID and Password (*) indicates a mandatory field

* I accept the Terms and Conditions of Use and I have reviewed the Notice of Collection
Need assistance? Please call ServiceOntario at 416-326-1234 (GTA) or 1-800-267-8097

Password Recovery Info (*) indicates a mandatory field

If you forget your password you can create a new one, after answering a set of security questions. Create your own set of security questions and answers below.

Optional ID Recovery Info

By providing your email address you can recover your ONe-key ID in case you forget it. You can enter your email address at a later date if you do not want to provide it now, via the Change Account Recovery Info option.