Great Careers

The Ontario Public Service (OPS) is one of the largest employers in the province, employing more than 60,000 people. We have a wide range of meaningful and rewarding career opportunities in communities across Ontario. We welcome new ideas and new people, encourage learning and development, and reward achievement. We offer challenging work and competitive pay and benefits.

The Ontario government has broad responsibilities for the well-being of Ontario and Ontarians. With government involved in so many different lines of business, working in the OPS offers a tremendous range of exciting career opportunities. We employ biologists and lawyers, policy analysts and advisors, social workers and nurses, mechanics and systems analysts, bookkeepers and editors, conservation officers and translators, auditors and economists, urban planners and forest firefighters… and more.

Did you know?

  • We have our own CSI team. The Biology Section of the Centre for Forensic Sciences in the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services provides scientific support to investigators who are working to take those who threaten public safety off the streets.
  • Protecting the environment and human health and safety, our team of Environmental Officers at the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks' Spills Action Centre is available 24-7 to receive, document and coordinate responses to reports of spills, adverse drinking water quality incidents and other environmental emergencies for all of Ontario.
  • At the Archives of Ontario in the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, our team stores and restores historical records of provincial life and makes fascinating information on Ontario’s past available to the public.
  • Promoting and marketing Ontario’s strengths to the world and showing Ontario as a great choice for investment and trade is the task of a team at the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade.

What connects the people doing these jobs and others in the OPS is a commitment to public service. As part of the OPS team, you will help to make this province the best place in the world to live, work and grow.

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