Learning & Development for OPS Executives

Building Leadership Capacity in the Ontario Public Service

As the modernization and transformation of our public service continues, our successes will be a direct result of our people and their ability to learn, lead and thrive in a changing environment. In the Ontario Public Service we are focused on building our dynamic leadership capacity.

  • Ontario Public Service Leader-Manager Competencies

    Dynamic Ontario Public Service Executives demonstrate four Leader-Manager Competencies.

    Four Competencies
Transforms the OPS to maximize our investments and meet the demands of internal and external clients and stakeholders, and the public.
Delivers excellent results for the OPS, and is accountable.
Builds successful relationships with individuals, teams, stakeholders, and partners.
Communicates the vision and the vales of the OPS, gaining consensus and motivating people to action.

    Ontario Public Service Leader-Manager competencies are applied as part of the assessment criteria for Ontario Public Service executive positions.

  • Ontario Public Service Personal Attributes

    Dynamic leaders also demonstrate fundamental personal attributes that complement the Leader-Manager competency model: self-awareness and integrity

    Personal Attribute: Self-awareness – The ability to understand, appreciate and be aware of how our own emotions affect us and impact the behaviour of others.
Personal Attribute: Acting with Integrity – Willingness to hold oneself accountable for acting in manners, both privately and publicly, that are consistent with the Ontario Public Service stated values, principles and/or professional standards.

Executive Development Programming

Ontario Public Service executives participate in an annual talent assessment process and discuss targeted learning and development strategies with their managers, to ensure they receive the learning supports they need to be successful in their current role, or to facilitate their development and growth for a future role in the organization. Some of the executive learning and development strategies may include:

  • Ontario Public Service Leadership Development Programs

    Several ministries within the Ontario Public Service have leadership development programs in which executives can enrol in order to enhance or develop their leadership capabilities.

  • External Executive Leadership Education Programs

    Ontario Public Service executives can be nominated for participation in one of a number of executive leadership development programs at Ontario universities and leadership development institutes, including the Public Executive Program at Queen’s University, the Ivey Executive Program at the University of Western Ontario and the Schulich Executive Program at York University.

  • Developmental Assignments/Projects

    Ontario Public Service executives can consider temporary Ontario Public Service developmental assignments or projects that align with their development needs and career interests.

  • External Assessments

    Ontario Public Service executives may undergo external assessments in order to receive directional guidance and constructive feedback in building leadership skills and mastering the Leader-Manager competencies and personal attributes. External assessments may include: direct observation, competency-based assessments, psychometric assessment instruments and 360 degree assessments.

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) Assessment

    Ontario Public Service executives may undergo an Emotional Intelligence (EI) assessment to assist in the examination of their emotional and social strengths, as well as the weaknesses that could impede high performance. Emotional intelligence assessment and coaching services can guide Ontario Public Service leaders to better understand, develop and harness their emotional intelligence in order to achieve improved results in the workplace.

  • Coaching/Mentoring

    Ontario Public Service executives may partner with a mentor or coach to enrich their learning and development in a particular field of expertise, business area or Leader-Manager competency.

  • Internal/External Learning & Development Courses

    Ontario Public Service executives can access internal corporate training and select from over 90 courses offered at multiple times and locations throughout the province. In addition, Ontario Public Service executives may also explore external courses or learning opportunities that align with their developmental goals.

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