Research and Innovation Knowledge Hub

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Research and Innovation Project Summaries

OMAFRA has invested in more than 2500 research and innovation projects in the past two decades. By searching our Research Management System (RMS) Project website, you can obtain information about the research projects, their results, and their relevance to producers, processors, consumers and policy makers.

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RIBS-to-Go is an electronic news bulletin (e-bulletin) promoting awareness of Ontario agri-food research and innovation projects, stories, successes and more.

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Agri-Food Yearbook

Every year the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance (OMAFRA-U of G Agreement) produces a magazine called the Agri-Food Yearbook which showcases the programs and research that make up the Agrement.

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The Buzz

The Buzz is an electronic newsletter produced by the university of Guelph about the innovative programs and research supported by the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance (OMAFRA-U of G Agreement).

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Agri-Food and Research Link Research Videos

Agri-Food and Rural Link supports the production of videos based on important Agrement research.

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OMAFRA Dateline

OMAFRA Dateline is an online resource for use by interested individuals and organizations across Ontario. Events may be hosted by OMAFRA or other groups.

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Events Archive

Links to resources from agreement events and food safety events.

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Agri-Food Asset Map

The Agri-Food Asset Map highlights Ontario's agri-food strengths and provides an overview of the cutting-edge research, industry research collaborations, food and agriculture resources, unique commercialization facilities and government supports in place.

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Ontario's BioAdvantage

OMAFRA supports its bioeconomy initiatives for the agricultural and agri-food sectors with an experienced, knowledgeable team of specialists. Let them help you learn more about Ontario's Bio Advantage and how you can take part.

For more information: