In The Spotlight

Ontario Launches New Strategy to End Gender-Based Violence

Ontario is building on its commitment to create a province free from domestic and sexual violence by launching a new strategy that will help support survivors and end the cycle of violence.

This comprehensive new strategy will help survivors and families get the support they need, when they need it, as well as help to prevent violence by intervening early.

In The News

Ontario Begins Consultations on an Updated Domestic Violence Action Plan and a Gender-Based Violence Strategy

Ontario is engaging with agencies and people with lived experience of domestic violence and gender-based violence across Ontario in September 2017.

Women’s Economic Empowerment Consultation

We invited Ontarians to share their feedback online and through written submissions, about how to help women and girls achieve their full social and economic potential.We will report back on the findings of this consultation in December before we release the final strategy in the New Year. You can read the discussion paper here.

Ontario Passes Legislation to Protect Human Trafficking Survivors

Today, Ontario passed the Anti-Human Trafficking Act, 2017, which will increase protection for survivors of human trafficking and make it easier for survivors to pursue compensation.

Taking Action Against Sexual Violence and Harassment

It’s Never Okay: An Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment Progress Update 2016-2017

The three year, $41M Action Plan is leading the way to an Ontario where everyone lives in safety, free from the threat, fear or experience of sexual violence and harassment.

Major Initiatives

Are You in Danger?
Call 911 or your local police immediately.

Are You in Crisis?
Call the Assaulted Women's Helpline
(Toll Free)
1-866-863-7868 (TTY)
416-863-0511 (Toronto)

If You Need Help
Services for Women

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