Newcomers to Ontario

People immigrating to Ontario are a major source of new skills and talent in the labour market. Workers coming into the province from other nations will become even more important in the years ahead. As an inclusive employer, the Ontario Public Service is committed to capitalizing on the skills and talents that newcomers bring with them to this province and eliminating barriers to employment that include how we attract and hire new talent. We promote a healthy, supportive, respectful and safe work environment for our diverse workforce to develop to its full potential.

Consider joining a vibrant workforce that reflects the citizens who make up Ontario, where your diversity of strengths, experiences and perspectives help us to deliver quality public service.

If you are a newcomer looking for information about the Ontario labour market, building a career in Ontario, credential assessments, bridging programs for internationally trained individuals and other information and resources, go to Employment Ontario and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services’ website.

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