Website Help

Finding what you need

Welcome to the OMAFRA website. Here you will find information on Ontario's agri-food industry and rural communities and the services and programs OMAFRA provides.

Site Map

A site map is provided to enable users to locate information quickly.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions are available for many subjects.

Agricultural Information Contact Centre

The centre's agents are available to answer questions, provide information to help you make decisions, and if needed, put you in touch with one of our experts. Please see the Centre's page for more information.


Your comments are important to us. Please see our feedback page to send your comments.

Accessible Services

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) is committed to providing barrier-free and accessible services. Please see our accessibility information.

Document formats

Documents on the OMAFRA website are available in one or more formats. Please see the plugin page for information on how to use the various formats.


Hardcopies of publications can be ordered through ServiceOntario.

Permission to use website contents

You may create a link from your website to the OMAFRA site. For use of OMAFRA website content, please see the copyright page.