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Ontario Honours and Awards

Ontarians are making a difference!

Ontario’s medal and recognition programs celebrate the people who make our province a better place to live.

The programs acknowledge outstanding achievement in education, health care, business, science and medicine, community service, the arts, and many other fields.  Two programs specifically honour police officers and firefighters for superlative acts of courage and bravery.

Volunteer award programs recognize the contributions of volunteers of all ages from seniors to youth.

The Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat manages Ontario’s medal and recognition programs as well as special commemorations and celebrations such as Canada Day at Queen’s Park.

Note: Ontario’s Champion of Diversity Award will recognize outstanding individuals, organizations and employers in Ontario who play a crucial role in promoting immigrant success, economic growth, cultural diversity and inclusion. Please check back for information on eligibility criteria, nomination forms and submission deadlines.

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Medal and recognition programs

Order of Ontario

Order of Ontario is the province’s highest official honour for outstanding qualities of individual excellence and achievement in any field.


Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship

Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship recognizes individuals who have made exceptional, long-term contributions to the well-being of their communities.


Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers

Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers salutes young volunteers (ages 15 – 24) for their outstanding achievement.


Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery

Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery honours firefighters for superlative acts of courage and bravery.


Ontario Medal for Police Bravery

Ontario Medal for Police Bravery honours police officers for outstanding acts of courage and bravery.


Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery

Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery recognizes individual acts of outstanding courage performed by members of Ontario's paramedic services.


Ontario Volunteer Service Award

Ontario Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals for 5 to 60+ years of continuous service in a given organization - youth are recognized for 2+ years of volunteer service.


June Callwood

June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award recognizes individuals and groups for their exceptional volunteer contributions to their communities and to the province.


Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award for Students salutes students graduating from an Ontario secondary school who have been outstanding volunteers.


Lincoln M. Alexander

Lincoln M. Alexander Award recognizes young people who have demonstrated excellent leadership in eliminating racial discrimination.


Lieutenant Governor

David C. Onley Award for Leadership in Accessibility recognizes Ontarians who have gone above and beyond in improving accessibility for people with disabilities.


James Bartleman

James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Award recognizes Aboriginal youth for their creative writing talent.


Hilary M. Weston

Hilary M. Weston Scholarship is a scholarship for graduate level social work students in the area of mental health.


Ontario Senior Achievement Award

Ontario Senior Achievement Award recognizes individuals who, after the age of 65, have made significant contributions to their communities.


Hilary M. Weston

Ontario Senior of the Year Award local municipalities recognize an outstanding senior who after the age of 65 has enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community.


Contact Us

Email: ontariohonoursandawards@ontario.ca

Phone: 416-314-7526
Toll-free: 1-877-832-8622
TTY: 416-327-2391

Mail: Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat
Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade
400 University Avenue, 4th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 2R9