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To whom does the BPS Procurement Directive, BPS Perquisites Directive and BPS Expenses Directive apply?

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Quick Guide to Part IV (Expense Claims: Allowable Expenses), Part IV.I (Perquisites) and Part V (Procurement Standards) of the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010

Are you a Hospital, School board, University, College, Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) or Children's Aid Society (CAS)?

Are you a corporation controlled by one or more designated broader public sector (BPS) organizations1 and established solely or primarily for the purpose of purchasing goods and services for the designated BPS organizations1?

Are you a municipality, local board2, board of health2, long-term care home, an organization that undertakes its activities for the purpose of profit to its shareholders, a public body under the Public Service of Ontario Act,20063, district social services administration board or First Nation?

Did you receive funds from the Ontario government, or from public bodies under the Public Service of Ontario Act,2006, in the previous fiscal year of the Ontario Government?3

  1. Is total funding $10M or more?
    • Follow the BPS Procurement Directive for individual and joint procurement activities as of January 1, 2012.
    • Comply with the BPS Expenses Directive as of April 1, 2011.
    • Comply with the BPS Perquisites Directive as of August 2, 2011.
  2. If not,
    • The BPS Procurement Directive does not apply to your organization. The Act provides Management Board of Cabinet with the power to issue guidelines with respect to your procurement of goods and services.
    • The BPS Expenses Directive and the BPS Perquisites Directive serve as guidelines for your organization.

If you are not listed above, than the BPS Expenses, Perquisites and Procurement Directives do not apply to your organization.

1 As defined in the Act

2 As defined under the "publicly funded organization" definition in the Act

3 Refer to the definitions of "public funds", "publicly funded organizations" and "agency of the Government of Ontario" under the Act and to Regulation 146/10 under the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006 for a list of public bodies