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Prosecution and Conviction Statistics


The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development prosecutes persons, including corporations, for violations of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) and its regulations to ensure compliance and to deter non-compliance.

Prosecutions by Fiscal Year: 2015-2020
Fiscal Year (April 1 – March 31) Part I Tickets Issued * Part III Prosecutions Initiated Total Prosecutions
2014/2015 440 35 475
2015/2016 861 94 955
2016/2017 765 115 880
2017/2018 154 79 233
2018/2019 36 50 86
2019/2020 10 37 47

"The source of this data is the Employment Standards Program’s case management system. Due to the ongoing nature of the ministry’s enforcement activities, these numbers may be subject to change. The data reported here is current as of October 26, 2020."

Convictions by Month

The following table lists companies or persons who were convicted of an offence under the ESA and/or its regulations for the month(s) listed. This includes some Offence Notices (tickets) under Part I of the Provincial Offences Act (POA), summons under Part I of the POA and prosecutions under Part III of the POA.

Information about convictions under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, is posted on the Ministry of Labour website for one year from the date of posting and then removed from the website. Check our Convictions Archive for past postings.

March | April 2021 | Convictions Archive

In response to the global pandemic, the Ontario Court of Justice has administratively adjourned all prosecution matters in the Provincial Offences courts between March 18, 2020 and September 13, 2020. As a result there have been no convictions under the Employment Standards Act during this time period.

Convictions Under the ESA for April 2021
Name Court Location Type of Prosecution Fine[1] Conviction Date Violation
11384384 Canada Corp Windsor Part I Ticket $355.00 April 19, 2021 Fail to give wage statement within time allowed after employment ends, section 12.1
11384384 Canada Corp Windsor Part I Ticket $355.00 April 19, 2021 Fail to make records, section 15(1)
2379519 Ontario Inc Windsor Part I Ticket $355.00 April 12, 2021 Fail to produce records or provide assistance, section  91(8)
2379519 Ontario Inc. Windsor Part I Ticket $355.00 April 8, 2021 Fail to give wage statement within time allowed after employment ends, section 12.1
2379519 Ontario Inc. Windsor Part I Ticket $355.00 April 8, 2021 Fail to make records, section 15(1)

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Convictions Under the ESA for March 2021
Name Court Location Type of Prosecution Fine[1] Conviction Date Violation
Royal Workforce Inc. Toronto Part III Prosecution $5,000 March 5, 2021 Fail to comply with an order to pay under section 103(8), section 132
9826262 Canada Inc. Hamilton Part I Ticket $360 March 17, 2021 Fail to make records, section 15(1)
9826262 Canada Inc. Hamilton Part I Ticket $360 March 17, 2021 Fail to pay overtime pay, section 22(1)
9826262 Canada Inc. Hamilton Part I Ticket $360 March 17, 2021 Fail to give day off with public holiday pay – day ordinarily a working day, section 26(1)
9826262 Canada Inc. Hamilton Part I Ticket $360 March 17, 2021 Fail to pay vacation pay, section 35.2
9826262 Canada Inc. Hamilton Part I Ticket $360 March 17, 2021 Fail to produce records or provide assistance, section 91(8)

Offence Notices/Tickets under Part I of the POA:
On July 14, 2004, employment standards officers were authorized to issue tickets to employers who fail to comply with specific provisions of the ESA and its regulations. Tickets carry a set fine of $295 plus applicable costs and victim fine surcharges.
Summons under Part I of the POA:
A summons under Part I of the POA requires the employer to appear in court at a specified time, place and date. If convicted, the maximum fine is $1000 per offence.
Prosecutions under Part III of the POA:
Under Part III Prosecutions, an individual is subject to a maximum fine of $50,000 and/or imprisonment for a term of not more than 12 months upon conviction of an offence. A corporation is subject to a maximum fine of $100,000 for a first offence, $250,000 for a second offence and $500,000 for a third or more offences.

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