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    • A Place to Stand, 1967 - Duration: 18 minutes.

      • 4 weeks ago
      This video, produced by Christopher Chapman for the Ontario Department of Economics and Development, premiered at the Ontario Pavilion at Expo 67 in Montreal.

      Featuring the iconic soundtrack compo...
    • Gone Fishing, 1971 - Duration: 22 minutes.

      • 1 month ago
      This video, produced for the Government of Ontario, promotes sport fishing in Ontario. It includes shots of a fishing party, tackle, fly fishing, camping, various resorts, commercial fishing boats,...
    • CFPL-TV, Footage of St. Thomas student trip to Expo 67, ca. 1967 - Duration: 13 minutes.

      • 2 months ago
      This video features CFPL-TV reporter George Clark accompanying a busload of 38 students from St. Thomas, Ontario as they travel to and visit Montreal's Expo 67 World's Fair.

      Sound starts at 01:23....
    • Construction footage of The Eaton Centre, 1975 - Duration: 6 minutes, 3 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      This silent video consists of unedited footage from November 5, 1975 of the construction of The Eaton Centre in Toronto. It includes shots of the complex’s tower near completion, the construction s...
    • Women's World, ca. 1965 - Duration: 13 minutes.

      • 3 months ago
      This video documents the role of the Women's Advisory Committee within the Ontario Department of Economics and Development.

      It also includes footage of women attending and presenting speeches at ...
    • Murphy the Molar television announcement, ca. 1972 - Duration: 42 seconds.

      • 4 months ago
      Do you remember Murphy the Molar?

      The Ontario Ministry of Health created this television spot as part of a health promotion campaign to encourage children to brush regularly and take good care of ...
    • Murphy the Molar television announcement, ca. 1972 - Duration: 41 seconds.

      • 4 months ago
      Do you remember Murphy the Molar?

      The Ontario Ministry of Health created this television spot as part of a health promotion campaign to encourage children to brush regularly and take good care of ...
    • Bubbie, 1976 - Duration: 11 minutes.

      • 5 months ago
      David Troster’s documentary film Bubbie tells the story of his Jewish grandmother, who emigrated from Poland to Toronto.

      Bubbie, un film documentaire de David Troster, raconte l’histoire de sa gr...
    • As the Need Arises, 1970 - Duration: 12 minutes.

      • 5 months ago
      This film, produced for the Curriculum Section of the Ontario Department of Education, features Glen Ogilvie Public School in Gloucester, Ontario.

      It shows students and teachers discussing curren...
    • CFPL-TV celebrates Hanukkah, ca. 1962 - Duration: 14 minutes.

      • 7 months ago
      In this archival footage, CFPL-TV reporter Bob Reinhart visits B’nai Israel Synagogue in London, Ontario and learns about Hanukkah for the television programme Panorama.

      The CFPL-TV fonds at the A...
    • Eaton’s, Christmas and You, 1975 - Duration: 8 minutes, 3 seconds.

      • 7 months ago
      “It looks like I’m going to need a lot of help to get the job done by December 25th,” says Santa in this training film produced by Eaton’s for holiday staff.

      The humorous animated film includes ...
    • Winter Fun in Ontario, ca. 1967 - Duration: 3 minutes, 20 seconds.

      • 7 months ago
      This film, produced by the Ontario Department of Tourism and Information promotes winter activities in Ontario.

      The film features scenes of skiing, snowmobile races, ice sailing, children enjoyin...
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  • The Archives of Ontario: A Moving Story Play all

    A five-part miniseries documenting the Archives of Ontario's move to a purpose-built facility at York University's Keele Campus.

    Une minisérie en cinq épisodes documentant le déménagement des Archives publiques de l’Ontario vers un établissement construit à cette fin sur le campus Keele de l’Université York.
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