Our priority is the safety of our community. All programs at Lighthouse Labs are available remotely. Learn more.

Learn to code.
Really well.

Advance and launch your career through coding education.

Learn from home

Since 2013, we’ve been offering outcomes driven education to over 1,500 career-minded students and successfully delivered immersive remote education to cohorts around the country. As of March 2020, our programs are online to ensure the safety of our community and make our students more ready for the work from home culture that is growing in demand.

Same great education & career services, also available online.

Online courses

See the Online Experience


Lighthouse recognizes the challenges we are facing and wants to respond by supporting our community. After receiving the strong demand for our initial $500,000 scholarship (announced March 2020), we have decided to release an additional $500,000 to support students in need.

If you’re facing financial uncertainty or are out of school as a result of COVID-19, apply now for this special scholarship.

Emergency support

Mentored, Hands-On, Accelerated Learning

Whether it's a full-time bootcamp or a part-time program, Lighthouse Labs offers coding education from newbie to professional developer. With the support of a brilliant team of instructors and mentors, you'll be ready to translate concepts, break down problems, and continue learning on the job.

Launch a Career

Learning to code is one thing. Becoming a developer is a whole other ball-game. The goal of bootcamps at Lighthouse Labs is to take you from hobbyist to professional developer and be the launchpad for your career.


mentor ratio

8 Hrs/Day

access to mentors


of grads hired within 180 days

Full Time

nationwide career services

Upgrade Your Skills

Want to build your coding skills on a part-time basis? Just like our bootcamps, our part-time courses offer you:

Find a Part-Time Program

Read our Student Outcomes Report

95% of Lighthouse Labs grads were hired within 180 days in 2019. These graduates work at leading tech companies across Canada and around the world. Discover how we support our alumni in their careers post-bootcamp and beyond.

Student Outcomes Report
Student Outcome Report
programming boot camp graduates coding bootcamp graduates
programming boot camp graduates coding bootcamp graduates
programming boot camp graduates
programming boot camp graduates coding bootcamp graduates
programming boot camp graduates coding bootcamp graduates
programming boot camp graduates
programming boot camp graduates coding bootcamp graduates

The bread and butter our courses

* Until further notice, all of our courses will be delivered online.

Corporate Training

Interested in bringing our amazing instructors in-house to train your team?

Learn More