
View Tomorrow's Court Lists (Dockets) - Tuesday September 14, 2021

Welcome. This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice.

The daily court lists include the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance.

NEW - The Daily Court Lists website now posts case information for two days.  You are on the page that will take you to information about today’s cases. To see case information for tomorrow, please see Tomorrow’s court lists (dockets). Note that case information changes at 8 am each day (i.e. at 8 am, the cases listed under “today’s court lists” will be updated to show the current day’s cases).

Important: If you have been served with a summons, or otherwise notified that you are required to attend court, you must attend court, even if your name does not appear on a list. Failure to attend may result in a warrant for your arrest, dismissal of your case or the case proceeding in your absence., You may be able to attend court by video (over the internet) or over the telephone, rather than in person.

To get started, please read the terms and conditions that apply to using the website and, if you agree, click on "I AGREE"


Court operations in the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For further information, please consult the following COVID-19 notices from the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice:

Superior Court of Justice

  • All hearings are remote hearings unless otherwise specified. Please note that some cases do not appear in the Superior Court of Justice daily court lists. These include matters in writing, matters added after the list is posted and matters subject to statutory, common-law or court-ordered public access restrictions.

Ontario Court of Justice

  • Unless otherwise directed by a judicial official, all proceedings are remote hearings (conducted by video or audio) other than trials and preliminary inquiries or other hearings that a Court notice specifies will be conducted in person (e.g. family law hearings).
  • Please note that some cases do not appear in the Ontario Court of Justice daily court lists. These include matters in writing (such as 14Bs in family law), matters added after the list is posted and matters subject to statutory, common-law or court-ordered public access restrictions, such as CYFSA and YCJA (youth) matters. Please note that weekend and statutory holiday court lists are not published on this website.
  • In those courthouses where matters are being conducted in person, health and safety measures are in place, including courtroom capacity limits. More information about the precautionary health and safety measures being implemented by the Ministry of the Attorney General is available on the following website: COVID-19: Reopening courtrooms. Do not attend the courthouse if you are experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or have been advised by a doctor or health official to self-isolate.

Terms and Conditions

The daily court lists of the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice are available on this website for general information only. These lists are not official and the court listings may be amended or updated after information is posted on this website. Certain types of cases are not listed on this website. For further information, see the About page.

The information contained in the daily court lists may not be collected, copied or distributed in any fashion, including for resale or other commercial use.

The information on this page is provided ‘as is’ and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to its accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability for any particular purpose. Court users are solely responsible for any use of this information and shall rely on it at their own risk.

The Superior Court of Justice, Ontario Court of Justice and the Province of Ontario shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind caused by any reason or purpose including, without limitation, reliance on the completeness or accuracy of the data contained on this website, including the daily court lists, or the functioning of this website.

The content of this site will be updated and is subject to frequent change. Please check back often for updates.

Publication Bans: The daily court lists do not contain details about publication and disclosure bans and may not reflect that were recently granted (i.e., within the last day or two). It is your responsibility to personally check with the appropriate courthouse about whether a case is subject to a publication ban and to comply with any publication bans or other restrictions.