MTO Research Library online catalogue

MTO's Research Library is the go-to place for technical information and research. It is one of Ontario's most significant collections of transportation information. Full text versions of MTO technical manuals, standards, policy and development reports, studies, and research papers are available.

Publications (in PDF) are attached to the catalogue record, look for the paperclip icon and click on it to view the document. Some larger publications have been attached in two or more sections to assist in downloading.

Alternate Formats
The Ontario Public Service strives to be an accessibility leader in Ontario. Our goal is to ensure access in everything we do for our employees and the public we serve. Publications are available in alternate formats upon request. Please contact

Reference Assistance

If you would like to borrow from the physical collection please contact your local library to arrange for an Inter-Library Loan (ILL). For more details please contact

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Print Copies

Print copies of all Technical Publications can be purchased from ServiceOntario Publications.

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