Human Rights in Ontario

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All Ontarians have a right to live free from discrimination, inequality and intolerance. The Human Rights Code guarantees Ontarians equal rights and opportunities without discrimination, in areas such as jobs, housing and services.

Ontario’s human rights system works to safeguard these rights by enforcing the Human Rights Code and working to prevent discrimination.

The human rights system is made up of three agencies:

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario deals with all claims of discrimination filed under the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Tribunal resolves applications through mediation or adjudication. The Tribunal's goal is to resolve claims in a fair, open and timely manner.

Contact the Tribunal if you want:

  • an application guide
  • to file an application
  • information about the status of your case
  • copies of any Tribunal forms
  • information about the Tribunal's procedures.

The Human Rights Legal Support Centre offers human rights application-related legal support services to individuals who believe they have experienced discrimination.

Contact the Centre if you think you have been discriminated against and want:

  • Advice about next steps
  • Help with the application process.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission works to promote, protect and advance human rights. Its main focus is to address the root causes of discrimination. Through outreach, cooperation and partnership the Commission aims to advance Ontario's human rights culture.

Contact the Commission if you want to learn more about:

  • Human rights education and outreach
  • Human rights issues in Ontario

Reforms to Ontario’s Human Rights System

In 2008, the Ontario government made changes to the way the human rights system works. The new system is designed to allow disputes to be heard and resolved more quickly, and provide more help to those making discrimination claims, among other improvements.
Read more about these changes.

An external review of the new system was submitted to the Attorney General in November 2012. Andrew Pinto, a human rights and employment lawyer, was appointed by the Attorney General to conduct this review. Read Mr. Pinto’s full report.