Victim Quick Response Program +

The Victim Quick Response Program + (VQRP+) provides short-term financial support toward essential expenses for victims, their immediate family members and witnesses in the immediate aftermath of a violent crime to help reduce the impact of the crime, enhance safety and meet immediate practical needs.

Supports are available to meet the most basic and critical needs when no other means are available.

Who is eligible for the VQRP?

VQRP+ is available to individuals who have no other financial means (e.g. private insurance) where there is no publicly funded program available.

To receive VQRP+ assistance:

  • This must be a violent crime that occurred in Ontario
  • There must be a direct link between the crime and the expense being requested
  • There must be no available service that is publicly funded that can meet the same need
  • Depending on the crime, it must have been reported or disclosed to a police service, child protection authority domestic violence shelter, sexual assault centre, hospital, community agency or Indigenous organization that provides services to victims.

Additional eligibility criteria apply.

To find out if you are eligible, please contact your nearest Victim Quick Response Program+ service provider.

What supports are available?

Eligible applicants can access supports for immediate and urgent needs such as:

  • Emergency home safety expenses (e.g. window repair)
  • Practical assistance expenses (e.g. basic necessities)
  • Travel and related expenses (e.g. to medical treatment)
  • Crime scene clean-up (e.g. removal of hate-crime graffiti)
  • Short-term counselling services
  • Supports required for serious injuries
  • Basic funeral expenses and other financial support for families of homicide victims

Please contact your local Victim Quick Response Program+ service provider for more details.

If I am eligible, how do I apply?

To apply for the program, you must be assessed for eligibility with a local VQRP+ service provider. If you are eligible, the service provider will assist you with your application to the program.

VQRP+ service providers are located in over 50 communities across the province. To find the service provider nearest to you please visit the online Victim Services Directory or call the toll-free multilingual Victim Support Line at 1-888-579-2888or 416-314-2447 in the Greater Toronto Area.

How long will it take to approve my application?

Processing times for complete applications are:

  • 5 business days for short-term counselling
  • 10 business days for supports for serious injury and homicide survivors
  • 3 business days for all other immediate and urgent supports

See also: