Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes Community Working Group and Grants

The Hate Crimes Community Working Group was established in 2005 to make recommendations for improving services for victims of hate crimes and to prevent further victimization.

In 2006, the government marked International Human Rights Day by releasing the working group's final report.

In response to its recommendations, the government invested $1.35 million to fund innovative community initiatives to support hate crime victims.

Community Hate Crime Response Grants Program funding went to four priority areas, including:

  • Projects to enhance community resources and/or address gaps in services to victims of hate crimes
  • A hate crime forum to strengthen networks and share information among victims groups, educators and members of the criminal justice system
  • A website for victims containing provincewide information about hate crimes and victim services
  • Templates for community-based victim impact statements, for use in court.

For more information on the Community Hate Crime Response Grants Program refer to the following links:

Community Hate Crime Response Grants Program

Hate Crimes Community Working Group