Topics and Publications: Health and Safety

  • Content last reviewed: March 2019

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Occupational Health and Safety Act coverage expanded to unpaid co-op students and learners in work placements, effective November 20, 2014. Learn More


Construction projects should be safe workplaces. Workers, supervisors and employers are all responsible for safety. Construction site safety is everyone’s responsibility.

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Definition of "Worker"

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Injuries sustained by commercial divers are usually fatal. A lack of operational and contingency planning is often the root cause of diving accidents. Divers are at risk if hazards are not identified and adequately handled, and if emergency management measures and procedures are not in place.

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Emergency Preparedness

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Fall Hazards

Falls from heights and same-level falls result in a significant number of worker injuries.

Workers are at risk of falling in any workplace.


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Farming Operations


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Health and Community Care

Health and Community Care includes workplaces such as hospitals, long-term care homes, homes for residential care, nursing services, supported group living residences and independent support residences (group homes), treatment clinics and specialized services, laboratories, and professional offices and agencies.


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Health and Safety Awareness Training

A new regulation will require health and safety awareness training for every worker and supervisor under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Learn more about the regulation, training requirements, and our free suite of training resources.

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Heat Stress

Heat stress can happen when hot, humid conditions and physical activity overcomes your body’s natural cooling system. You might suffer cramps and fainting, or even serious heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat stroke can kill quickly.


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Joint Health and Safety Committees

Joint health and safety committees (JHSCs) and multi-workplace joint health and safety committees (MJHSCs) represent workers and employers at Ontario workplaces. An MJHSC is a single JHSC, established and maintained for more than one workplace, each of which would normally require its own JHSC.

Some members of a JHSC must receive training called 'certification' to perform their duties effectively.

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Lifting Equipment

Workplaces that operate lifting devices, including forklifts and personnel lifts, may expose workers to potentially serious physical hazards.


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Mobile Equipment


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Occupational Exposure Limits

Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) restrict the amount and length of time a worker is exposed to airborne concentrations of hazardous biological or chemical agents.

There are OELs for over 725 substances set out in Regulation 833 Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents and O. Reg 490/09 Designated Substances under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act.


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Occupational Health Hazards and Illnesses

Occupational illness normally develops over a period of time because of workplace conditions. Such conditions might include exposure to disease-causing bacteria and viruses, for example, or to chemicals or dust.


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Performance Industry (Live, Film, TV, Children)


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Post-traumatic Stress Disorder


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We are ALL responsible — employers, supervisors and workers — for preventing workplace illness and injury. Get involved now! Your search for workplace health and safety information starts right here...


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Radiation Hazards and Protection

The Radiation Protection Service (RPS) is administered under the direction of the ministry. It is Ontario’s primary source of expertise on all matters concerning exposure to radiation, whether regarding nuclear facilities or veterinary dental X-ray machine installation.

All ministry resources on radiation – including alerts, guidelines and reports – can now be found in one convenient location.


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Small Business

Small businesses represent 95% of all employers in Ontario, and they employ 28% of Ontario’s workers. Business owners know that running a business involves risks and costs; we know that a commitment to health, safety and fairness makes good business sense.


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Storage and Material Handling

Workplaces with racking and storage facilities may contain potentially serious hazards. The improper use, selection and installation, or maintenance of racking and storage systems may put workers at risk of injury.


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Temporary Help Agencies

Temporary help agencies provide employees to client businesses that require staff on temporary assignments. This could be for short-term jobs that last for a few days or weeks, or long-term assignments that can last for several months or years.

Learn about the rights and rules that apply to assignment employees, temporary help agencies, and clients of temporary help agencies.

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Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

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Working at Heights

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Workplace Violence And Workplace Harassment

Everyone should be able to work in a safe and healthy workplace. The Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out roles and responsibilities of workplace parties to address with respect to workplace violence and workplace harassment, including developing and implementing policies and programs and providing information and instruction on these.

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Young Workers

Every day in Ontario, an average of nearly 50 young workers under age 25 are injured or killed on the job.

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