Welcome to Neighbours Friends and Families

Neighbours, Friends and Families is a public education campaign to raise awareness of the signs of woman abuse so that those close to an at-risk woman
or an abusive man can help. It engages the power of everyday relationships to
help keep women and their children safe. 

Neighbours, Friends & Families Blog

Best of 2019 at NFF

hands typing in dark room

This past year has been full of change. The #MeToo movement has continued gaining momentum, giving courage to many women to come forward, and helping to give voices to those who are unable to speak out loud on these important issues. At Neighbours, Friends and Families, we have continued to focus on educating the general public about domestic abuse while also discussing issues that are becoming more mainstream or need to be at the forefront of issues, especially through our blog.

Research Briefs

Neighbours, Friends and Family research briefs aim to educate and inform others about gender-based violence and abuse against women. The reports will be easily available online and written in clear language that ensures they are accessible to the general public. Our aim is to both educate and inspire action so that readers understand we all have a role to play in ending violence against women. View briefs here.

No front page content has been created yet.

Upcoming Training

3 Hour Workshop for Responders

make it our business training

February 24, 2020 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Country Hills Community Library
1500 Block Line Rd, Kitchener ON  N2C 2S2
View Flyer | View Plain Text | Register

February 25, 2020 | 9:00am - 12:00pm
Family Services Toronto
355 Church St, Warden Room
Toronto, ON M5B 0B2
View Flyer | View plain text | Register

windsor event

March 4, 2020 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm
United Way Centraide Windsor-Essex County
300 Giles Boulevard East, Unit A1
Windsor, Ontario N9A 4C4
View Flyer | View plain text | Register